mastery bonus issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by zreck, Aug 17, 2014.

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  1. zreck

    zreck User

    I wud like to see what the mastery bonus is after u built last lv. For what i know all i can do is to go to the FAQ to get the info there.

    Wud like to see the benefits straigth in the building mode if u all understand me.

  2. Cassie666

    Cassie666 User

    Isn't it already like that then?
    Once upgraded to level 3 you just do a mouse-over on the 5 stars in the residence window and you'll see the challenge as well as the reward.
    Or am I misunderstanding your question...?
  3. zreck

    zreck User

    Yepp u did :)

    Or i need to work on my Eng spellling gramma and brain to word skills. ^^

    Hmmm...i just realized i migth be wrong now but....

    If its like i imagine. The amount u get from dinners for ex. is not scaled up when ur done with an mastery that increase the amount u get.

    If u mouse over the dinner it says...ex 80 and 2:e master gives 10% more makes 88.
    So i need to know what mastery i had to calculate the correct amount.

    That if im not wrong with the whole thing and mastery adds in the mouse over.

    spelling gramma ...sorry again :)
  4. Cassie666

    Cassie666 User

    Sorry, now you've lost me completely I'm afraid.....
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i think i know what you mean. when you upgrade a house to level 4, and you go with mouse over the needs it will still say the same hard values (eg +200 for beer, +540 for donuts) even if you have masteries, specialties and even improvements on the house. they are calculated when collecting rent/revenu but they do not show in the left side for individual needs:)

    i think its pretty hard to implement this, because would need to review each building and change the tooltip :)
  6. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    I agree that that would be hard to implement, but at the same time the current display makes it impossible to compare with market prices. I had to make myself a list and empty all shops but one for every building to actually find out what the payout for each item was. And still would have to update this list whenever improvements change or houses reach a relevant mastery stage or level 4.

    So I really second that house info displays should show the correct amounts. Also I'd like to see a little something that shows which mastery bonus has been chosen on level 4 buildings.
  7. Well, In this, case, I'd make something like this: On a side of the building page (or on the "Improvement" page) there would be a image which, if I hover my mouse over it would shown me all the updates from both the rewards from mastery and bonuses from any improvement that building have, plus the bonus I chose after upgrading that building to level 4. Then all I have to do is a little calculus about what revenue will give me in the end.

    For example, at a Level 4 Urban High-Rise, it would shown me
    +35% Experience
    +35% Needs Revenue
    +10% Rental Income
    And +25% Needs Revenue and Rental Income / -50% Energy and Mood Cost / -25% Rent Timer - Here it shows what I chose.
    Plus the improvements bonus.
  8. skb13

    skb13 User

    But wait a minute - it's really not THAT complicated to work it out for yourself, and you certainly don't need to do what Bababandos was doing, I think.

    eg. I have a luxury boathouse that in the window on the right tells me it is paying 858CC revenue. On the left, it tells me that market is +200 and restaurant is +400 (total 600). So 858/600 = 1.43, so a 43% improvement over base value. So actual revenue from market is 286, and from restaurant is 572.

    Analysis of masteries and improvements shows that I have a +10% from mastery 2 on revenue, and +30% from a epic washer. But wait, 10+30 = 40, not 43%. This shows us that improvements are applied first, and then masteries are applied. So 10% of 130% is 13%, so the mastery gives me 13% on top of the 30% from the improvement, but actually we don't need to know this - all we need is the actual factor = 43%, which comes from the total revenue gained divided by the total revenue nominally supplied.
    daniel23492 likes this.
  9. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    @skb13, you're right of course, and I didn't mean to say that my way was the one and only way of figuring it out, it's just how I ended up doing it (and my list was for the purpose of seeing what I get for 1 item to compare and see what to provide, what to buy, what to sell instead).

    On the whole though, even though I don't mind getting my calculator out here and there, I think that overall the game is providing too little detailed data like this. And it's not that it can't be done - I don't play Farmerama any more, but I know that there for instance a whole bunch of little infos is flying around all the time (although that game probably has a lot more players and therefore better/bigger servers, etc).

    And I am also not in the mood for asking just little at this stage in the game. If they want to keep me interested (and if they want to lure a little $ out of me here and there), stuff and details like these would imo be essential.

    So in my mind, I'd like to hover the mouse over let's say the smoothie bar on the left and instead of telling me the basic revenue, it would tell me the exact revenue with any mastery or improvement currently present figured into it. Then I wouldn't mind doing the "deviding by 8 to see what I get for 1 raspberry" on my own.
    daniel23492 likes this.
  10. Yeah, this could be another idea. When hovering our mouse over a commercial building, instead of that tick mark above the building, it could show the total amount of Needs Revenue we get. Then again, they'll need to make the market balloon see-through.
  11. zreck

    zreck User

    Huuh, i was asking for a window telling me what mastery bonus was after i have upgraded to lv4.
    This only, so i didnt need to go to forum/master/my building to read about it.

    But all of ur suggestions is more advanced and ofc better...

    And i so happy finally some1 understands, what i was wishing 4 :)
  12. skb13

    skb13 User

    Ah, now I understand what you want - yes, that would be nice - hover over the "-50% power" and it shows you what the change in mood/power would be, etc.

    If you don't want to make up your mind immediately, you can always close the "choose your mastery bonus" window. If you click on that building again it will reopen that, so that you can still make the choice later - but it lets you check stats for that building after L4 but before the L4 mastery choice.
  13. zreck

    zreck User

    Hmmm....nah skb13 not really.

    Again, Eng is not my 1:e language so i blame that when i cant explain what im looking 4.

    Ill just try to narrow it down even more.

    Lets take 1 of my Vintage Duplex it upgraded to max lv4.
    Now if i wud like to know what the mastery was, all i can do is to go to the forum to see what the 5 lv:s of mastery was.

    The window there the star was be4 in lv3 , in lv4 it says....this building is upgraded to the max lv.

    Soooo. i wud like a window or mouse over that tells me that
    +10% xp
    +10% needs revenue
    +10% rental income
    +25% xp
    +25% needs revenue
    was the rewards in lv3

    Do ya(skb13) or some1 else understand me now ? :) :) :)
    Strange window i made when i did copy and paste...plz ignore it
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
    skb13 likes this.
  14. Cassie666

    Cassie666 User

    Ah is that it.... I have suggested this myself on the Dutch forums once.
    That was before I found out what skb13 just explained about closing and re-opening the window. That method still means you have to calculate it yourself. Easy enough for some, maybe less for others.

    Edit: sorry zreck I was still writing this when you already posted your last reply :confused:
  15. skb13

    skb13 User

    Too many different uses of mastery, is what I blame it on. Thanks for the explanation zreck.
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