Maximum upgrade for emergency staff

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by buildingbob, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. I have some emergency staff at level 8 and 9. I still have some way to go to reach the maximum experience in order to try for platinum badges. Even when these staff reach level 10 (the highest possible) I don't think they will reach the end of the experience bar. When trained in the academy I used maximum education points and vitamin X. If this doesn't enable them to reach the end of the experience bar by level 10 then how is it possible ? Do staff continue to be given points of experience even when they have reached level 10 ?
  2. On a slightly different subject to my learned colleague, and hopefully also answering the OPs question:
    It is possible, I think, to get all 3 bars of experience to 50 points, but only with a bit of luck - if some of the bronze/silver/gold achievement points reached during training offered you 3, 5 or 10 extra skill points to allocate (randomly or otherwise), then that certainly helps. And if you get the 'intellect' characteristic that gets you an extra skill point each level up that gives you an extra 10 too.

    But I also don't think they get any more skill points after level 10 (5 extra at level 10), but since they won't level up after this (and it'd take a long time anyway - can't remember how many missions it took to get from level 9 to 10) I don't think you'll get more skill points.

    Ultimately, you don't actually need all 3 bars at 50 anyway - you could try specialising on only two of them - then it should be relatively easily achievable.
  3. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    You can only get platinum from 5man missions as you need 250 Motivation.
    All 5 need to have 50 (max) in Motivation to get platinum and that can bee done at lvl1.
    Efficiency give you more medals, 250 (5x50) give 5.
    Alertness only affect the stations cover so if you only want medals you can leave it at zero.
    Specialising don't matter for medals, they can all bee rookies, but of course your changes to success will bee slim to nil.
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

  5. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

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