Mayors for the revolution against the pirates of the market....

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Nuburu, Aug 6, 2017.

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  1. Nuburu

    Nuburu User

    I call all mayors and mayors to have common sense. The market with these prices only favors a few. Those who are selling small quantities at such low prices are making a big mistake and only favor speculators. The market at these prices is the ruin of many and do not tell us that it is for our good, that is a big lie. Behind this seems to be those who want to end the game.
    Do not buy those who sell cheap, try to sell at the highest price so that at least go to the market is profitable, both for sellers with few means and for those bought with few means. If we do not do this, we will end up ruining all the medium and small cities.
    neoburgo, Nibiru and holita1 like this.
  2. holita1

    holita1 User

    I think it's a good idea. I aim not to buy or sell until sanity reigns in the market.
    neoburgo and Nibiru like this.
  3. Nibiru

    Nibiru User

    I agree. My city is very small and I do not have access to the price of the beams, and also if I need to sell it is not profitable the time of production and the expense in points of production with the gain.
    neoburgo likes this.
  4. neoburgo

    neoburgo User

    I follow the initiative. Those cities that are doing so much evil should reconsider the evil they are doing to small towns. It is an indecency. As mayor I can neither buy nor sell, since my resources do not give me for it. In addition, throwing prices thus only enrich the big cities. Down with those pirates.