Mega XP Day

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by -Wizz-, Jan 28, 2014.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We are happy to introduce a new feature to you: The Mega XP Day.


    Here is what you need to know about it:

    Q: What is the Mega XP Day?

    The Mega XP Day gives a special XP bonus for all players who purchase a payment pack during that Mega XP Day. That means if you purchase Metro Money or one of our Payment Packs, you will receive a 24 hour XP buff. The XP buff is only given for harvesting buildings.

    Q: How is the bonus XP calculated?

    The whole XP will be accumulated and afterwards doubled. This means that bonuses from the Home Improvements or Needs will be added first.

    For instance, you would normally receive 100 XP for a residential building. You are close to a Donutshop, which is required. It provides additional 20 XP. The building has one home improvement that boosts XP by 10%.

    If you have no Mega XP Day buff, you would receive 132 XP per harvest.
    If you have the Mega XP Day active, you get 264 XP per harvest.

    Q: Does the XP bonus restart when I buy another payment back on Mega XP Day?


    Can I have more than one bonus?

    No, only one bonus per Mega XP Day is possible.

    Q: When and how often does the Mega XP Day take place?

    The Mega XP Day will happen frequently, but you will have to log in to find out if it’s on. The Mega XP Day has a special event icon and a news screen.

    Q: How do I know which purchases are part of the Mega XP Day?

    You can take a look into your treasury. All payment packs that are part of the Mega XP Day will be indicated clearly.

    Q: How can I see that my XP buff has been activated?

    The Mega XP Day event icon will change when you activate the Mega XP Day. The XP bonus will be pop up after your normal XP bonus has disappeared.

    Q: Is there any payment option that is excluded from the Mega XP Day?

    Yes! Only direct purchases are included. Bank transfers are excluded from the XP buff. Only players will receive the XP buff who choose a payment method that will be concluded during the course of the event.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
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