Mini-contest : Puzzle

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Artisan, Aug 7, 2016.

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  1. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello dear Mayors!

    We have another mini-contest for you!

    We will post a different Puzzle every weekend for you, and all can participate.
    • How does it work?
    The first one to finish the puzzle and post a print of it, is the winer - we will have only one winer per week - this means that we will ask for the previous winer not to participate on the next mini-contests of the current month.
    • What are the rules?
    We will leave a link on this same thread, you will have to click on it, it will open a web page where you can do your puzzle - please keep in mind that this web page doesn't save your progress so be sure you have time enough to do it or if you close it you will have to begin from zero.
    As soon as you finish it, you can make a screenshot and paste it on this thread (please see FAQ: How to take a screenshot)
    • Do we win anything?
    Yes!!! you will win an Urban loft

    We will post these Puzzles every Sunday at 12:00 h CEST so that everyone can start at the same time.

    You can give us your feedback >>>Here

  2. bucoCoece

    bucoCoece User

  3. bucoCoece

    bucoCoece User

  4. Congratulations Buco on completing this puzzle, However for us to award you the prize we do need your ID number plrase
  5. bucoCoece

    bucoCoece User

    bucoCoece | ID 7251433

    What about prize? Is there any?
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 17, 2016
  6. there will be a prize and Artisan normally announces it when the prize has been awarded:D
  7. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Nice puzzle !!
    Congratulations ,bucoCoece !!:);)
  8. bucoCoece

    bucoCoece User

  9. Your reward has been sent to your designer depot. :D
    Can you please confirm to us when you have received your reward;)
  10. Artisan Has been on Leave and should have a new puzzle this weekend at the normal time :D:D
  11. bucoCoece

    bucoCoece User

    Reward received, thx. Force is strong with Artisan and with us;):D.
  12. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Thank you very much for letting us know!

    This thread will now be closed.

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