Mini-contest : Puzzle

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Artisan, Aug 21, 2016.

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  1. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello dear Mayors!

    We have another mini-contest for you!

    We will post a different Puzzle every weekend for you, and all can participate.
    • How does it work?
    The first one to finish the puzzle and post a print of it, is the winer - we will have only one winer per week - this means that we will ask for the previous winer not to participate on the next mini-contests of the current month.
    • What are the rules?
    We will leave a link on this same thread, you will have to click on it, it will open a web page where you can do your puzzle - please keep in mind that this web page doesn't save your progress so be sure you have time enough to do it or if you close it you will have to begin from zero.
    As soon as you finish it, you can make a screenshot and paste it on this thread (please see FAQ: How to take a screenshot)
    • Do we win anything?
    Yes!!! We will let you know as soon as we have the permission

    We will post these Puzzles every Sunday at 12:00 h CEST so that everyone can start at the same time.

    You can give us your feedback >>>Here

  2. EddieT

    EddieT User

    Before I possibly violate any rules or ethics of this contest and land myself in hot water with the powers that be, I better ask a few questions about the contest before posting the solution to this particular weeks puzzle.

    If no one has posted a solution to the puzzle after a week has elapsed and a new contest with a new puzzle begins, does the previous weeks puzzle contest "expire?" Are mayors still eligible to win the prize for this contest even though a new contest has begun?

    If this weeks puzzle contest is still considered "open" I'll refrain from posting the solution to the puzzle because I won a puzzle contest the last week of July (I think) and I'd like to be fair and give other mayors a chance to claim the prize. If this weeks puzzle contest is considered "expired," I'd like to post the solution to the puzzle just for "grins and giggles" knowing there is no prize to be won.
  3. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello Eddie,

    We were about to close this thread because there was no participation, in that case, you can post your solution, it will be considered valid and we will accept it and of course we will give you the prize, one of the new prizes we are now allowed to give you! :p:D

    So please do post it! We are waiting for it! This week's Puzzle has already been posted, so no harm for anyone! ;)
  4. EddieT

    EddieT User

  5. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Nice ! It was a hard puzzle
    How long did it take you to complete it?
  6. EddieT

    EddieT User

    It took me between 1 1/2 to 2 hours to complete. Yeah, it was tough. Since discovering this contest, I do each weeks puzzle even if I can't claim the puzzle. I love the pictures Artisan uses for the puzzles and enjoy solving them just to see what the pictures look like. I also enjoy the challenge of the puzzle itself.

    I finished this weeks puzzle, too, and it was really tough- it took me about 2 1/2 hours to complete. (Don't worry, I won't post the solution unless the time to solve it "expires." And, if I do post it, I don't expect to be given the prize since I've recently won.)

    I'm wondering why no one participated in this particular puzzle. Up to this point, the puzzle contest has been well received with mayors claiming their prizes. Was the puzzle too hard for mayors? Was the mysterious, unknown nature of the prize something that kept mayors away from attempting to work the puzzle? Is the RC player base so small that we've run out of eligible contestants?
  7. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Well, after 1,5 hours I was only halfway done and I coudn't save the puzzle so I gave up.
    So the answer probaly is: yes :D
  8. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I like to puzzle, and I tried to place it here, but it goes wrong every time, so I stopped trying.
  9. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    I think that the first puzzle was too easy.I tried that one and it only takes about half an hour.Now,the puzzles are too difficult :(and it takes 2 to 3 hours to complete and we can't play this game for such a long time.I used to be online for an hour or two a day,so in that time I've to play my game along with the forum game,as a result the time left with me to complete the puzzle is just an hour and I can't complete it in an hour.So I've also stopped trying to complete it.:oops:
    If the puzzles be a little easy and can be completed maximum in an hour then I think that the Mayors will again start to completing puzzle.And it will be fun if there is a tough competition .
  10. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I agree with you
  11. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello to all,

    Well done Eddie! the prize we have for you is 3 days of collector and 50 Metromoney, so, whenever is good for you, give us a date so that we can start it on you account.
    I always look for the most beautiful pictures to give to you

    As for the difficulty of it, yes, the first one was easy, it was kind of a test,now of course they need to be a little more complicated.

    Big hugs to all.
  12. EddieT

    EddieT User

    The increased difficulty of the puzzles and the mysterious unknown nature of the prizes makes me think the prize is very, very good and well worth the effort. But, we won't know until someone other than me posts the solution! So, what are you waiting for? :p

    Using the same website, I turned a black and white photo into a puzzle. Talk about hard to solve! It took me 4 1/2 hours to complete, and I knew what the photo looked like! (Please don't give Artesan any ideas). :eek: So, if you daring and enterprising, turn a black and white photo into a puzzle and practice solving it. All puzzles after that, especially ones in color, will seem easy.

    anoukjoris: there is a link somewhere in this forum that gives you step-by-step instructions on how to post pictures. Sorry, I'm too lazy to include the link here. Maybe it's in FAQ's?

    Artesan, go ahead and send the prize whenever you're ready. Thank you for allowing me to collect it given the circumstances, I appreciate the generosity. Again, I think this is a great idea, I love solving the puzzles and I love the pictures. Kudos!

    Sorry for what seems to be a confusing previous post, Artesan posted while I was still writing it.
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 4, 2016
  13. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    The collector is already on your citty,

    We hope you enjoy your prize,and thank you for your participation! Could you please be so kind to confirm it?

    Going for the next Puzzle :D
  14. EddieT

    EddieT User

    I have received the prize. Thank you!
  15. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Thank you very much for letting us know! :)

    This thread will now be closed.
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