Missing Cash

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Julephenia, Apr 13, 2016.

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  1. Julephenia

    Julephenia User

    I've been saving up cash to buy a special building. Today, when I logged in, I was missing a good portion of my cash.
    I had saved up over 600 in cash, and now it says I have 249. I have not bought anything with my cash - I've been very careful about that.
    What happened and can I have it back, please?
  2. G`day Julephenia,
    I have checked your logs and this is a copy of your MM transactions, as you can see there are two transactions where you used the Mm that you have said is missing.
    please check that you have your MM security turned on as this will prevent further accidental purchases. you can do this by clicking on the game options tab then the additional options tab then check the mm security confirmation tab is on
    Has this helped you with your problen:)

    MetroMoneytownhall . residential . currencyreal12.04.2016 19:25:5140
    MetroMoneybuy . instant . construction . currency . real . building . 504Brownstone Flats12.04.2016 02:50:38-208
    MetroMoneybuy . instant . upgrade . currencyreal12.04.2016 02:50:38-284
    MetroMoneypayment . pack . paymentpack . 147 . currencyreal12.04.2016 02:42:485
    MetroMoneypayment . pack . paymentpack . 147 . currencyreal11.04.2016 19:31:245
    MetroMoneywheel . spin . currencyreal10.04.2016 05:01:4090
  3. nothing further here thread closed
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