Missing City Credits??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Cr8tiveMayor, Jan 9, 2014.

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  1. Hello,
    First time to write, though I have had a few strange occurrences before now. They were not as significant as the one I am now reporting/questioning.

    I am "missing" approx. 300,000 - 400,000+ city credits for my city; I have been banking for a few large upgrades coming soon. The city credits were showing up fine when I logged out on the evening of 1/08/14. (8/01/14) This morning when I logged in, there is a significant reduction. What the heck???

    Is there a way I can look at history to see where the credits are, how they were spent...see how this happened, etc?

    Thanks so much,
    Cr8tive Mayor
    ID 6977805
  2. Well, never mind I guess.
    I just noticed an expansion lot has been purchased without me realizing that it was purchased. How does this happen? I did not intend to purchase that particular lot anytime soon and I do not recall being asked the "are you sure" question. Interesting
    Probably not available, is there a reverse purchase option....LOL LOL
    ARGH this really has me aggravated!

    Cr8tive Mayor
    ID 6977805.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Really sorry I have no way to reverse a land purchase. I can do it for new buildings and other things but the devs did not think to create a backward tool for any kind of upgrade.
    I do believe there are two screens to go through to purchase land though.:(
  4. Thank you!!!
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Forgot to close this...:rolleyes:
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