Missing Fire Dept. and Police Dept.

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Wolfeheart, Nov 27, 2017.

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  1. Wolfeheart

    Wolfeheart User

    Hi, I had deactivated the fire dept. (or so I thought) to stop the emergencies going on for a bit. When I went to reactivate them, they are no where in site. I checked my inventory, I checked the depot, I cleaned my cache, I relogged, I refreshed. Nothing. And, there are still emergencies going on in my city. I even looked for a reset button to start the game from the beginning.

    Can someone help me with this problem please?

    I appreciate it.
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Wolfeheart - I checked and your fire house and police department are in your inventory under the emergency systems tab. This is from your game. To get to the inventory emergency system, click on the tools button on the tool bar and then on the move button on the drop up menu. The emergency system button is the last button on the right at the top of the inventory section.
    Let us know if you find them. Enjoy building your city.

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