missing MM

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by skippyroo1980, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. approx 9.00 pm Brisbane time i noticed that 40 mm was missing from my total. as i had not bought anything recently am not sure where it has disapeared to.
    can some one please check my logs for a answer
    thanks in advance
  2. ID number will go a long way to help....
  3. id 6445981
    it is under my name as well
    thanks in advance
  4. Sorry, was your signature really there last time? Oooops. Temptation to delete my post is quite high. Hopefully the Pirate will take a look for you soon.
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Hi Skippy (hope you are enjoying the cricket..lol)

    This is what you bought mate:-

    MetroMoneybuy . instant . construction . currency . real . building . 396Bread Basket03.01.2014 06:58:15-21
    MetroMoneybuy . instant . upgrade . currencyreal03.01.2014 06:58:15-24
  6. Hi Lee i didnt buy either, can these be revursed please i would like those mm back had plans where to use them :)
    the cricket today will be great if the aussies can bowl out the poms for under 250
    cheers lee and happy new year
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
  7. ;) its ok
  8. Alessa1234

    Alessa1234 User

    Hi! I`am from Finland. There is not the Finnish Forum so i come here!
    Is that okey?
    And sorry for my bad english :( !!
  9. Hi and welcome.Everybody is welcomed here. Your English is good. Just make sure you post at the propper section as this is a Tech section reserved for tech issues. Not a good place for posting "say hello" type of messages. :)
  10. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Welcome :)
    Good or bad English don't mater, this forum is for everybody to have fun in.
    For small talk Gamerville or Player & Game is best.
  11. Submarine

    Submarine User

    Hi Alessa1234! I'm from Finland too :)
  12. Hi and welcome this is not the right area for general chat.
    please post in the appropiate area under player and game
  13. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Can you email support please Skippy (it will be me that answers as I do all EN support).

    Great result in the cricket BTW...lol.

    I will close now as we will resolve this via email.;)
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