MM Purchase Confirmation Button

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Nov 29, 2013.

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  1. iivika

    iivika User

    Reporting is our only chance to make difference, isn't it?
  2. It shows the extent of the problem and the level of gamers dissatisfaction. Other than that it doesn't guarantie any positive change.
  3. is it time to start a poll on this topic then
  4. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Start a poll, yes please.
    Why would anyone ever spend 1MM to save 30s on brush removal?
    I've lost a few that way.
  5. I don't think a poll would make any sense nor would it make any difference. We pretty much know the result of the poll as nearly everybody would vote for "yes" in this case. Which doesn't prevent anyone from starting a poll like that. :)
  6. To further ilustrate the meaning of repeated posting even further read this reply - that being a usual response in these cases. I think here we are the same, just the thread doesn't get closed since it is different board section and the chances for a quick fix are much much lower. :)
  7. TCRooster

    TCRooster User

    As a newb I just managed to spend my MM on something, think I upgraded a house but the lack of a confirmation button was really frustrating as I hadn't intended to do it.:(
  8. sh1111

    sh1111 User

    Just opened my game and when I went to click a house the news page popped up and it bought a special package for 5MM!!! Absolutely infuriating :mad::mad::mad: Seriously how hard is would it be to have a conformation button!
  9. Well, you don't get your MM confirm, but you get permit(ssion) rework. Does it scare you? :)
  10. must be a typo lets hope so lol
  11. Well, rather go and buy your 2 extra mills. Last chance till Thursday. :)
  12. allready have them;)
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