Mood not decreased 50%

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by accelman, Dec 30, 2013.

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  1. accelman

    accelman User

    I just upgraded an Energy Efficient Row House to level 4, and chose the 50% decrease in mood/energy reward. When I click on the house, it shows the energy correctly halved (-18), but the mood is unaffected (-72). I believe the mood should be -36.

    FYI, I have no RI items applied at this time.
    sfintzishor likes this.

  2. i am having the same problem with all my level 4 modern single homes and designer homes can mine also be looked at
    thanks in advance
  3. super_emu

    super_emu User

    Same for me, my level four houses have less energy consumption but MORE mood losses.
  4. I have reported it already on the Dutch forum. See the image below. Sorry it is a Dutch screenshot.;)

  5. Thanks Bossie
  6. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    To understand the issue better, could any of you that have chosen the -50%mood/energy specialty on a house check energy and mood numbers before and after moving the building into the inventory.
    We want to know if its only a display issue or a more serious problem affecting the overall mood/energy modifiers.
  7. haemophile

    haemophile User

    how do you move a house to inventory as i have lvl 4 prefab with 8 mood loss and 2 energy usage should be 4 and 2
  8. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    You can find details about inventory in our FAQ Section.
  9. modern single home level 4 mood 40 energy 20, after mood 40 energy 10
    designer home level 4 mood 56 energy 28, after mood 56 energy 14
    prefab home level 4 mood 8 energy 4, after mood 8 energy 2

    is that what you need whizz
  10. my prefabs are the same as yours
  11. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    I would like to know how much is subtracted from your global city mood/energy when a house with this specialty is moved into inventory.
  12. ok
  13. prefab mood 4 energy 2
    modern single mood 20 energy 10
    designer home mood 28 energy 14
    i see where were going to now
  14. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    So the modifiers apply correctly, but the numbers shown on the home detail window are incorrect.
  15. seems that is exactly as you say
  16. thanks for the help whizz
  17. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Thank you for helping me clear up what the issue is. We will forward this for fixing to our Dev Team.
  18. I was about to report same problem, then I checked and it is indeed only a display issue. Thank you!
  19. happy new year to whizz lee and all rc mayors only 4 hours to go here
  20. The same thing happens for the mastery challenges that reduce mood/energy.
    For example, challenge 3 on the tower blocks reduce mood/energy by 15%. It is displayed correctly on the global mood/power display, but is displayed incorrectly on the home detail window.
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