Most important Manufacturing facilities???

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by nennesby, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I am now lev 29 - in my opinion a high level but I suppose you all find I am still a newbe;-)

    I am wondering how to use my money and other sources and I am just now looking at my manufacturing facilities. I have found out that the lumbermill and bakery are busy so they are fully upgrated, but are there some of the ofter facilities that I will need more than others soon? My general politic is that I as soon as possible make one from each facility so that I can produce and make a storage but which are most important to build more from and upgrade as soon as possible?
  2. garry58

    garry58 User

    Mostly I find anything from the brickyard is in shortest supply as you go up the levels
  3. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks, I have them all but then I will upgrade some more of them soon...
  4. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    If you don't already you will soon have a shortage of everything
    Build all facilities you can en upgrade them as soon as you can (except maybe the breweries)
    Especially the brickyards. You will need a lot of those products, production takes a long time and buying them is very expensive
  5. nennesby

    nennesby User

    So the brickyards are important and the breweries less important (I have them all but not upgrated).... thank it is a great help;-)
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You need the brickyards to build and upgrade the more densely occupied residences. Also the brickyards provide a variety of building materials. You are entering the stage where materials become hard to keep up wiith the rate of construction.

    The other thing to consider is that your manufacturing facilities are more efficient the more you upgrade. A single level three brickyard produces 16 bricks for 1100 production points (PP). While it takes four level one brickyard to produce the same 16 bricks for 2000 PP (4 bricks each for 500 PP each). So upgrade level helps. This holds true for all manufactoring facilities.

    When I was in the level thirties I had trouble keeping up with production points. Which limited me in my ability to produce the items I needed. Such as Roof tiles, tiles, and cement.
  7. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks billyjim;-)

    Yes you all advices me to upgrade the brickyards and that is your best advise, because that I could not recognize myselves.

    Concerning efficience I know that, but I so far do it that way that I use the upgreted factories for "expencive" things untill they all are upgrated.

    I have found out that I have to have enough productionpoints - it only gives me a problem with eventthings that are collected from kapitalists and students, but I manage that. And the events are important to me because they give me cash so untill now I too upgrated factories that are nessesery for doing the events...

    Konklusion: Yoiu all give me advise about the briscyards and that I have learned a lot from.