Mountain Land Expansions ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Jan 6, 2014.

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Do you want more land?

  1. Yes please.

    44 vote(s)
  2. No, thanks.

    3 vote(s)
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  1. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    Hello there Dev folk, Team folk.... and all who want to listen/read,

    my city has been growing and growing .. and growing nicely for over 1 year now. and i am very pleased with the way it looks but i still have permits in the depot that are ignored due to lack of space. yes i know we have received 2 very nice expansions which made our city expand from 36 land plots to now 90 and i am very grateful.

    Sadly future plans nowadays include only upgrading current homes, yet we keep receiving new permits weekly from the quests and its such a shame to keep them in depot. i have tones of unused permits, of all kinds, deco and housing mostly but ive gathered a nice bunch of power plants too. so i could sustain the city... if i had space...

    how about another land expansion, maybe mountains, something fresh and new to deforest and build large skyscrapers and malls :D:D.?

    What do ya say?

  2. skb13

    skb13 User

    Hear hear!
  3. Count me in on this one. More more land, yeaaaaaah ! With beautiful parks, beaches, mountains, rivers, mansions, park benches, decorative plants, trees, gardens, animals and lot lot more !

    Can we have 2 or 3 more expansions right away please? :D :cool: :D
    SnakeLady38 likes this.
  4. Arketec

    Arketec User

    Yes more land please.
    [RO]Turel97 likes this.
  5. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Yep, more land would be highly appreciated!
    Although have a lot of unused space in my water...could add some more buildings to fill that space?
    [RO]Turel97 likes this.
  6. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Wait a minute. You folk don't have enough production to build new houses and supply the residents (another thread) and you want more land to build more houses so you have more residents to supply?
  7. I know you are not addressing me, but I want more land to build my city more spaceous with parks and squares and leasure areas. And with more variety, different buildings, different decorations. I don't care if there are unused permits in my depot. In fact I don't fully "understand" this drive when some players strive to use every bit of the game to the max, and whenever they get there they are unsatisfied again. Just spoils the fun imo. Wonder if they are like that in RL. :)
    -damidami- likes this.
  8. i agree on this too.
    more land expansions , so that we can arrange decorations, either ones bought with or without MM.
    more land expansions to add more residences , so the permits wont rust in our pockets , either normal ones, events ones, etc.
    also a mountain land would be very nice as well, with snowy landscape and to put there winter stuff.
  9. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    my city is so crowded, i can hardly see anything that doesnt have at least 3-4 floors. i want to make a nice and efficient city.

    decorations dont need supply, power plants dont need supply.
    making nicer and less crowded zones dont need supply
    -damidami- likes this.
  10. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    It'd be nice to have options in regards to upgrades.
    You may have a surplus of a certain item (lumber & beams), but struggling with something else (roof tiles), so you could just upgrade or build a building requiring the former.
  11. brucenic

    brucenic User

    That would need to be (cough) cheap land. :DThe shore was great, I've just moved houses I don't like from the main city to the shore, and spread out the city buildings a bit instead of squishing them all in as tight as possible. So the city is starting to look good, but is filling up again.
  12. Yaekle

    Yaekle User

    I would completely agree. I find myself not being able to play as often as I want to because I'm sitting on tons of permits that I can't use, no matter how much I rearrange my city.
    [RO]Turel97 likes this.
  13. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    OK, where are you folks getting all these permits? I've got all 90 plots and 36 permits left to use for buildings. That even includes the tiny buildings I removed because they were so much trouble. I have room for a heck of a lot more than 36 buildings even with all the decorations I would have to buy to keep the mood up. Actually, I'm not sure I can get enough decorations to build anywhere near the 36 permits I have. This is even including the buildings I managed to gather from the events.

    Heck, this is even with two parks and a plaza that use up almost two plots so I have someplace to put the darn decorations.

    And while we're at it, how do you get population over 10K? I'm a little over 2800 with the bunch of buildings I have and with only 36 left (most of them being little 4 person things), I don't see how I can get the population much over twice that. Is there some secret to hiding people? Do I have to dig some tunnels and move hobbits in?
    AldoTF03 and wildheart50122 like this.
  14. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    depends on what level you are Hipshot, big buildings are unlocked at higher levels, 3x3 size per building, usually 5 permits are free, which would occupy a 7x7 land plot. add to that the occasional but very unlikely booster pack permit win. put up roads commercials to satisfy any possible need and thats about it with free land turned into a crowded city.

    for population the reason is the same, big towers usualy give 20-40 people per level 1, which means 400/800 each per 5 buildings level 3, there are like 8-9 tower types , count them all and you get 6-7k easily. i am working out how to pass 10k right now but i need to keep energy up which is hard when there is no more space to put new power plants.

    tip to increase population, loose the 2x2 buildings in favor of 2x3 3x2 and 3x3 buildings :) they need less clicking also since rent takes more time.
  15. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    A level 3 distinctive high rise holds 160 people with six that's 960 people and there are only a few buildings that start off at that number of people: distinctive high rise, tower block, residential tower, and condo tower (I can't get that one yet). So, If you have all five of each of them plus the extra distinctive high rise, you wind up with around 800 in tower blocks, 800 in residential towers, 800 in condo towers, and with the 960 from distinctive high rises, your population in the big building is 3360. You've used up all the really big buildings and only a third of the way to 10,000.

    The apartment complex, urban high rise, comfy apartment, hold half of the above so you can get another 1600 folk out of them. Now you're up to about 5000 residents and you've used up all the big buildings.

    So, you start stuffing the smaller ones everywhere you can and pick up 16 or so residents in the largest of them down to 4 in a few. I just don't see how you can run out of space with 90 plots. Run out of power, absolutely; run out of decorations, heck, I'm there already, but space ??
  16. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    There's also the Studio Apartments (although you did mention residential towers twice), various premium buildings, mystery buildings, permits won on loot-o-matic, etc.

    There's a level 4 now aswell, so tower block can hold 240 people, and so on, although I doubt many people are there quite yet.
  17. @Hipshot: Some people are just space hungry. I like a lot of space. Not that I'm running out of it, in fact I could easily squeeze in many more buildings then i have if I wanted. But with my idea of a city with more than half of the area covered by green parks and woods I could have two more expansions right away. And that's with only 2 500 people living there. :) Crowded urban space is not for me, don't like it and is not pleasant to look at, even though I know these arrangements make much more sense from economical point of view. I "waste" a lot of resources simply to keep my city spacious. Not real wasting as the City is built roughly to my liking. Talking about that makes me look forward to those two new expansions, mountains or whatever doesn't matter. Just give me more space. :) Not out of a desperate need, but as an option to play with. :) And please, you feel free to keep your city as crowded as possible but don't wait for me to visit you there. :cool: :p :cool:
    [RO]Turel97 likes this.
  18. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Norton, I totally understand wanting more land so you can have space to spread out, make it look nicer, or just because it's cool. My question isn't about that; it's about not having enough space because it's filled up and there's not even room for another power plant.

    If I could come up with the mood requirements, I could have a dozen more coal power plants and still get all my remaining permits (36) to fit.

    Sure, there's a new level 4 on the buildings, but that's recent and there were people that had way over 10,000 residents long before they expanded to level 4. Those folk must have Orc filled tunnels under their town.
  19. BlueTool

    BlueTool User

    Yes more land, but specifically I would enjoy some mountain expansions, this way I have someplace where I could put all these log cabins.
  20. That's a good point! The log cabins don't actualy fit anywhere. Certainly not the main city, nor the beach city. Now that you mantion it I think two expansions are not enough. We need more. :)
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