Mountain Playfield

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by -Wizz-, May 30, 2014.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    The Mountains
    Mountains Playfield is accessible only at level 25 after completing a series of quests.

    TASK 1: [​IMG] Mountain Air Mountaineer
    Requirements to reach mountains:
    • Buy land plot in front of the mountain pass
    • Repair mountain pass

    TASK 2: [​IMG] Mountain Town
    Requirements to repair the mountain pass:
    • Collect 15,000 City Credits
    • Produce 80 Bricks
    • Produce 960 Beams
    After fixing the mountain pass you can reach new mountains playfield by clicking on the road sign or using the city map button in the lower menu


    Since this is a different playfield please wait until loading screen has finished....

    On the island there are 4 types of land:

    [​IMG]grassAny common buildings with no special requirements
    [​IMG]stoneSpecific stone residential and decorations
    [​IMG]snowSpecific snow residential and decorations
    [​IMG]rockManufacturing: Quarry

    To get back to city you can click again on the mountain pass or use the city map button in the lower menu


    and wait until loading screen has finished.... [​IMG]

    Mountain playfield has 25 normal land expansions + 3 special.

    Detailed Information about new items will be included in the near future in our normal Game FAQs, meanwhile we will let you discover what new things the mountain playfield has to offer.
    nortoncommander likes this.
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