Movie count down?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by xaviersxmen, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. Did they change somehting? I havnt had the movie count down in almost 2 days. Did they just turned it off?
  2. chef2684

    chef2684 User

    Same thing here also.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As I have said early in the forum these movies are outside our control or influence they are provided by advertisers when they want to provide them.
  4. No this is different. Before it would still have a timer now it gone. So this isnt like before!
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Nope its just that no countdown is present as there is nothing to count down to, sorry I should have said that.
  6. Listen I dont know how to get this through your head. Even before they always had the 24 hour timer. NOW ITS GONE! Again lets say it again in a different way. when they had no movie there is still a 24 hour timer counting down. I dont have that anymore! Did that get through now? Yes I know if there isnt a movie I dont get a movie but there isnt even a timer for me to get a fresh 3 the next day. Get it yet?
  7. i have no time either nor seen a movie for over 3 weeks, what happend was i saw one movie with 2 tickets left, no timer had started, the next day i had movie available but no movies available come back later, and after 3 weeks still no timer and 3 tickets.
    there are many people with problems like this or similar ones, so you need to be patient and wait for the devs to sort through the problems so theres no point in getting frustrated with piratelee
  8. Please do not get rude - it is not appropriate. I think what Pirate Lee is trying to suggest is that your timer has finished it's 24 hr countdown, but there are no providers of movies at the moment, so there are no films to watch. But if there were, there would not be a time delay before you could watch them. So there is no time you have to wait controlled by the game, just by the movie providers.

    The Cineplex has content supplied to it by advertisers, that are third parties to BP. BP cannot control when adverts are available or not. This has been said over and over again. Please calm down.
  9. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I thought I said that but on reflection maybe I rushed my
    Thanks Strider.:)
  10. skb13

    skb13 User

    Ok, xaviersxmen - the UK has just reopened the cineplex, and movies are once again available. I managed to watch two before it said no more movies available. At this point it gave me a countdown timer, as now I do have to wait for my first 2 tickets become available again, but before that I didn't have a timer because I hadn't used any tickets in 24 hrs, but couldn't watch anything because no advertisers thought to advertise over the New Year period.

    Get it? :p
  11. Lucky you skb. Mine is still "dead" as before. No UK movie today. Maybe it only comes slowly from the south? It hasn't hit the north of England metropolis Manchester yet.
  12. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Grr mine is dead too so that means Skippy has the same outcome.

    Thanks for the input SKB.

    I will close now as we all know the reasons.:rolleyes::oops:
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