My city has been gone!

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Bloodyhell, Jun 13, 2017.

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  1. Bloodyhell

    Bloodyhell User

    Two days ago, when I tried to enter my city, I realized that the city on level 41 had returned to level 1, all the materials in the depot were erased, all the buildings were lost and lands that i bought was gone. Its just like started from beggining. Only my MM, CM and PP still remaining. I immediately created a ticket and told the issue. But I have not got a result yet. Why do you think that might have been? You know, like the other countries with fewer members, the Turkish forum has been closed, so the admins are reduced. I think thats why Turkish support doesn't supporting enough. Should I create an English ticket? Turkish costumer service implies me that those who connect with Facebook may have such a issue like me, but I don't even have a Facebook account. (For privacy reasons). I've been playing this game since about one and half year. I really upset that may all my effort could be waste. Now I can't access my account, just blue loading screen. Please help me.

    Bloodyhell | ID 9875127
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Hello Bloodyhell - This is a new one on us. If you have put in a service ticket, regardless of language, the support team will look at it and respond. The support team tends to wait until they have something to report or need information before responding. I have also sent a message up the chain of command. So you should not send in another ticket. That will only confuse the matter by having two sets of people trying to solve the same problem and that can be counterproductive.
  3. Bloodyhell

    Bloodyhell User

    Hello s.c.lynx, thank you for your care. As you say my condition is rare. I didn't see anything like that anywhere. Now i got a reply, they've made a report about my situation to game devolopers. I guess now all I have to wait. I will inform you if there is any improvement.
  4. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello Bloodyhell,

    We hope that your problem can be solved as quickly as possible. Thank you for letting us know that you got an answer. we will ask you to be patient, this kind of issues can take a little time to be solved. In the meantime, if you wanto to try and go have some fun on our /yours Speaker's Corner while you wait, you will be very welcomed.
  5. Bloodyhell

    Bloodyhell User

    Hello and thank you Artisan, I am really feel very welcomed. You all guys are very kind.:)
  6. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hi again Bloodyhell,

    Once you have your problem solved, we will close this thread.

    Thank you for informing us, and again, welcome.

    If you have any other doubt, be kind to open a new thread.

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