Need Bakery

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rockroadtoad, Apr 14, 2014.

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  1. I can not expand do to shortage of bakeries. I am already having to buy goods because I can not produce them fast enough to keep up with needs. Please put bakeries into the events more often okay? Thank you.
    anoukjoris and harley9883 like this.
  2. This is a suggestion, rather than a technical problem. Please only post technical problems/questions in the Technical Questions forum.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    If we can not earn an additional bakery in an event. How about allowing those of us who wish to buy a building permit. I for one would be willing to spend a reasonable amount of MM's for an additional building permit for a bakery. Another suggestion put a bakery in the loot-o-matic. Give us some hope of being able to produce enough bread to meet demand. Not even to mention doughnuts and pizza dough. Thank you.
    wildheart50122 and harley9883 like this.
  4. I don't understand why you could not expand due to a shortage of bakeries. I can, why couldn't you? You might need to modify your views or strategies and be more flexible though. That's one of the beauties of this game, these "bottlenecks", which force you to come out of your vagon ruts and search for a different route. :cool::):cool:
  5. McChicken

    McChicken User

    Some people don't like to solve these bottle necks to play this game.
    Just because you like to do that doesn't mean other people do ;)
    [RO]Turel97 likes this.
  6. You are absolutely correct in what you say. And although I'm not an experienced gamer, I suppose there are tons of simplistic games out there that would suit the likes of those other people you mention. So why couldn't at least a few be a bit more about planning and strategy and problem solving for a change? It's still easy enough even as it is. Or does everything have to be so uniform and simple that you get through the game from the beginning to the end without even thinking about what you are doing? :)
    Plato1 likes this.
  7. Ironkat

    Ironkat User

    They already gave an extra bakery permit as a gift for a event. I keep reading in other threads about how some people got to but extra permits for lumber mills. I would like to have that myself. I am doing Ok with almost all of my bakeries maxed out. Maybe you might be able to not meet all of the needs for all of your housing. That might help you out.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Nortoncommander and I usually disagree on strategies for the game. He is correct that it is not a requirement of the game to meet the needs of our residents for bread. There is an alternatives to producing the bread needed ourselves. Buy it in the market place. The problem for us is that we want to have the choice or ability to produce enough product to meet the needs of our residents with in our own cities. Not to be dependent on others for our needs.
  9. Tamy

    Tamy User

    In simple words, the choice is to have fewer houses, and max their reward (by supplying all needs) or to have more houses, with partial need fulfillment and lesser reward. This is a game of balance -- we need to balance mood and energy, and also population size, area and services (commercial buildings). There is no one answer, and the limits are what makes this game worth playing.

    All that said, I would like to have another bakery..:rolleyes:
    nortoncommander likes this.
  10. you never know with the Easter event coming on Wednesday they might put the bakery in the event then as a reward.
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That would be nice. But we will have to wait and see. We can only hope.
  12. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I've said this many times before, and no doubt I'll say it again..........
    Limiting permits limits strategy.
    Why shouldn't I have a city powered by bakeries? Or lumber mills, or whatever.
    This should be MY strategy choice.

    It would make for a REAL market, where supply and demand would affect strategy choices. And those choices may need to change over time and as you level up.
    It would also make for a more interesting ecosystem of cities.
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree with you completely, brucenic.
  14. Gordayo

    Gordayo User

    In the game the current market rate is about 120-130cc per roll.

    On an 'energy efficient row house' (for example) you get 100cc using (pp's or ep's) for 8 rolls - a 10 to 1 difference. Other buildings are not quite so bad at a ratio's and at best about 5 to 1. This is a big game imbalance.

    Either we need the option to pay for extra bakeries through permits
    The amount of rolls you have to reduce needs to be halved i.e. 4 instead of 8.

    Implementing both these options would be good and help to reduce roll value as well as other bakery products

    I'm okay with a lot of changes in the game, change can be interesting. But this bakery issue remains a real bugbear for me!
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  15. one of the rewards in the Easter event is a bakery
    happy gaming
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Thank you RC team for listening. Now how about brickyard and lumber mills. :D:D
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  17. Ironkat

    Ironkat User

    That is good news, But I agree with billyjim---LUMBER MILLS PLEASE!!!!
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  18. yes but if you have another permit for the brickyard they would have to make more clay pit in the game
  19. A new playfield will be launched soon with a claypit and a spot for brewery.
    Here is the OA:

    P.S. More Lumbermills, please
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  20. yes i know, but what do you think is the lightly hood of that happen. It not like the lumbermill or brickyard are needed as much in the game then the bakery.

    p.s upgarde lumber mill and brickyard a.s.a.p and have the max number because then you can do thing much quicker same with farm.
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