New Energy Generating Plant Please

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by billyjim, May 9, 2015.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    This is not a new idea, but I believe it has come time to state it again. We need a more compact energy producing plant. Please.

    Let us look at the issue from a practical and personal view. My city at level 52 population 11,400 needs energy of about 17,500 to be at full capacity. I have a combination of Power Plants in my city Wind, Solar, Small Reactors, Small Power Plants, Coal Power Plants, Nuclear Power Plants. I am in the process of upgrading to the Nuclear Power Plants or or most efficient plants (not including the Hydro Dam). Yes, I am buying building permits with MM's slowly. Since we are only given three. But I will need fourteen total to replace the current plants and this does not include any additional growth.

    So how about it BP/RC team? A more powerful and more efficient power plant would be useful. I personally would be willing to spend my hard earned and bought MM's for building permits for one. Let us say Power output of say 4000 Mood loss of -700. The plant could be of any energy source you choose, but Nuclear makes the most sense. Also let us place it on any play field even out to sea, mountain, or in the snow.
  2. piche413

    piche413 User

    I am in the same situation as you are billyjim and love the idea of a power plant that has more output and am willing to use more mood loss to compensate for it as you are suggesting. I like the idea of being able to put it anywhere that you desire.
    billyjim and city8936 like this.
  3. city8936

    city8936 User

    i wish u can make a building that can hold ALL THE POWER PLANTS 2!!! I have 6 coal fired power plants & 5 small power plants and i am going to need to buy more if i want 2 grow my city. but i think that is so much room when u can create a building to house them and upgrade it to add more,and yeah i sure would like a bigger power plant maybe get ride of some of the smaller ones 4 more room also!!!
    billyjim likes this.
  4. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    For another perspective, I have 14,912 residents and am functioning on a production/use of 16,895/20,620 (according to the game, but I think it's slightly off because of the bug). I have almost 2,000 energy available. I have 4 coal, 5 hydro, 11 wind, 23 solar, the hydro dam and 5 nuclear. I plan to demolish the coals soon, and wind would be the next to go depending on how things develop. Going full nuclear I'd need at about another 5, putting me at a 'mere' 10 nuclear plants (which might be a generous estimate for my current needs).

    Mastery and RI's can affect a lot, and this is why I always take the mood/energy specialty, as it has the most value if you compare specialties to equivalent RI's. If you add RI's (Epic Grills, specifically), you can achieve more than 100% reduction (relatively) easily, so you may even be able to function on as little as a few power plants, mostly for industry (in the case that it doesn't cap at 99% or something). For now, I'm not using mood/energy RI's either.

    Though I agree, a more concentrated source would be nice, or even just upgrades or newer versions of existing ones, or new sources entirely. I though they might add a geothermal plant in the mountain, but the dam is cool. Of course, I'd love a fusion plant (most logical as a higher source), even if we aren't quite there yet in reality. Plenty of options.
    Last edited: May 9, 2015
    billyjim likes this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like the Geo thermal idea, also a wave or tidal power plant would be nice.
    daniel23492, Andrewjf and city8936 like this.
  6. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    You know, I'd love to be able to remove the small hydros and reclaim that space as land. There is almost no reason to remove them as the gain in land would be small, hardly making replacement via nuclear worth the space. You could fit two in their place, square-wise, giving you only one nuclear's worth of net power as the power/mood from them is the same as one nuclear. Plus it'd look odd to have that big, artificial gap in the river.
  7. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    So I'm guessing the Nuclear Power plant is the only one that can be upgraded ? I currently have won four of the compact reactors. It would be nice to be able to have an upgrade path, even if it kicked in at Level 50 or so. Is there a trend here with Power as there is with production/commercial supply at the higher levels ? I have just hit level 30 with the Hydro so have ample supply for now, but I'm sure in six months I will look back at this and laugh :) As with most things relating to higher level players, you will always have my support if it keeps you in the game. It seems a lot of high end players have lost interest in the game now and that's a loss all round :(
  8. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    No, you can't upgrade any plants, it's just been a popular suggestion. Power isn't really an issue the way commercial supply is as space is the main limiting factor.

    The thought of 10+ nuclear plants for a single city is a little silly though.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  9. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Thanks Arsuru. Yes the power requirements seem a little high (or more accurately the plant outputs a little low) for such a relatively small sized region; In real life terms - sometimes forget it's a game :rolleyes:

    I like the thought of a sea based windfarm or wave based energy - would be a good fit given the amount of water available off the coast and suburbs and also aligns with a few other threads around here that have water based suggestions. The Yellow Submarine could become part of the emergency system when they catch fire or there's a bomb threat - that would be cool :D:eek:;)
    Geflin likes this.
  10. I would prefer to have our existing power plants upgradable specifically the nuclear and the mountain hydro plants that will solve almost every ones power problems, these upgrades should also be very expensive :):)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  11. Geflin

    Geflin User

    The upgrade idea is alright, and I love the sea (wind/tidal) plant idea. I am Level 45 and have filled about 90% of available land (give or take) and use a lot of RI' am about +2,500 extra on power supply. Relatively easy to keep power supplied at this point, though am not sure how that would calculate if all my buildings were fully upgraded. If we are honest about it, this problem is less one of power output and more one of efficiency/land usage. I also have numerous small power plants/coal plants/wind one nuke, five hydros and the mountain dam. There's a nuclear plant in Southern California that provides most of the power needed by 1/3 of the freaking a city needing all these power plants is just ridiculous and nowhere near balanced.

    What burns my feathers is that with land already scarce, I must devote so much to power plants I realistically do not need. Currently examining going full nuke just to be able to get rid of the smaller plants and open up land. So I agree we could use a bigger/better plant and/or upgrades. Hope BP and the devs take a serious look-see at this, because it is a valid and important issue.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The sad thing is that to go full nuke is so prohibitively expensive We are given only three building permits and additional start at 999 MM's and go up from there. I currently have four Nuclear plants and Nine Coal fired plants. So I would need five more Nuclear Plants to meet my current needs not to mention the small plants and the others. But right now I guess that is my only option. :rolleyes:
  13. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Ok, so maybe not full nuke...just usethe nukes to replace a few small power plants to open up room. Of course, that just reinforces how good your idea is ;)
  14. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    One must remember that people in RC Nation have evidently already reached dystopian-level crowding, living like sardines in a can. It must get hot in those cans. We can assume a lot of the energy goes to climate control and keeping what little food they can get from spoiling, and that the houses are terribly insulated, leaving us with little to work with. Perhaps it's just their nature as digital lifeforms in an always-on society to need so much electricity, especially considering that they don't seem to be the most rational of beings.

    Really though, my RC city has a bit more than half of the population of the city I actually live in, yet with three more nuclear plants (on top of all the other sources) in the vicinity, with plans for more, and all for one city. RC Solar is bordering on future-magic at that energy density, and I have doubts RC Dam should actually be capable of generating more than a nuclear plant. Maybe we have old reactors, turbines from the future, and/or the water is magic too.

    Though if you look at it, there seems to be only one reactor per plant (the domed building next to the menacingly-inaccurate depiction of a cooling tower), so it's not all that unbelievable. I just pretend it's one complex and each plant is an additional reactor/tower unit. Too bad I'm not getting paid for what I can only assume my 'neighbors' are using. :rolleyes:

    And my surfer vans have solar panels, so why aren't they off the grid? Where is the RI workshop so I can make more efficient solar panels?

    It's a good balancing act, I find, and not that expensive relative to other things in the game. Though I agree that it is nonetheless pricey, especially as they may not go all that far unless you use other means of to reduce energy consumption.
    Andrewjf and Geflin like this.
  15. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Laughing my feathers off ;) Now, shhhhh, pay no attention to the owl plugging an extension cable into your reactor building.
  16. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    RI's asside, actually that would be an interesting twist on this whole subject. What about a Level 5 Mastery Level for residentials that adds Solar panels and reduces the power requirements of the building by say 25%? If that was combined with a new playing field it could help solve any potential power issues... maybe.... just a thought :rolleyes:
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That is one very long extension cord. :eek: Do not get a shock Geflin o_O

    I love all of the ideas keep them coming Andrewjf adding solar panels to the residences awesome idea and not just RI.s
    Andrewjf likes this.
  18. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I recall a comment on the old forums stating that RIs came about because people wanted solar panels. And to be clear, I mean the surfer van has them on the building art. The energy efficient row houses do too, I think, though at level 4 the central portion significantly blocks some of them from optimal exposure, and there are less to begin with. See? Irrational beings, lost in digital decadence. But at least they face south. And there is all the truth behind why we can't rotate! Too bad they don't account for obstruction…

    More mastery challenges could be nice, but I don't know about further upgrades, unless it's really just adding things like solar panels and small wind turbines to the property, because the lots are pretty crowded and some houses get to looking silly when they get too big.

    Hehe, nice try, but it doesn't quite work like that. Electricity isn't even produced in the reactor building. If you're lucky you'll find an outlet, but that won't carry far.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  19. Yeah, I like that too, especially when we consider all that open space at the coast :)

    About that "big, artificial gap in the river", it could be used as a small harbor for ships :)

    My city run on 4 Solar Panel, 1 Hydro Dam, 5 Hydro-Electric Power Plants, 3 Wind Farms (7 are built but are nonfunctional) and 7 Nuclear Power Plants.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  20. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I'd considered that, but there is no way to populate it to look as such. Would be nice to make it into a marina or something.
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