New Energy Generating Plant Please

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by billyjim, May 9, 2015.

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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Maybe a futuristic cold fusion plant...............hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Well, if we are going to use fantasy power sources: An orbital power transfer station, beaming solar power to our cities (this has been proposed in real life); Fusion, Hot (being researched) and Cold (researched but seems to be a dream); Breader Fission (actually exists but scares the security people to death); Mater - Anti Mater conversion (for all the Star Trek fans); Quantum Vacume variance (Early academic research but really). Is that enough science fiction for the day.

    I think we should stay with fairly conventional power sources for now. If any of these panceas ever come to reality then the game can be updated. So far the best new power source suggestions I have seen so far are Geothermal up in the Mountain and or snow areas, tidal or wave generators in the sea areas, upgrading or additional levels to existing power plants, or development of larger more efficient power plants.

    Any other suggestions or improvements. Please comment.
    honeywest and Andrewjf like this.
  3. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    All of these are quite good ideas. Hopefully the game designers will do something to address the issue:rolleyes:
  4. Mac_1969

    Mac_1969 User

    Good one! I really like the idea of wave power plant.
    Andrewjf and honeywest like this.
  5. honeywest

    honeywest User

    Mac, I too like the idea of the wave power plant. We could have them in the tropical beach area and the residential area since both have beach front property available. However, I also like the orbital power transfer station idea. It would be cool to have it up in the sky beaming down power to the city - there's plenty of room up there, and if it was cool looking and colorful it would be even better.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  6. Marleigh

    Marleigh User

    I wish we could put our power plants into the inventory so we could move it them to a different playing field. I had originally put some in the beach playing field, and now I don't want them there, but I'm stuck with it.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We all would like to have this feature. But it appears that there is some impediment to moving powerplants and production facilities. :(

    Now if this is an actual design problem or just a choice made by the developers is the question. ;)
    Marleigh likes this.
  8. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    I think they should just fix the issue where you 'master' a residential & choose the energy saving only find power consumption is higher than before level 4 upgrade ;)
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The reduction is from the power consumption for the level 4 residence. That usually works out to be the same as a level 3 residence but there are a few exceptions.
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