new events

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by promaster102, Dec 24, 2014.

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  1. done thanks DaFamily
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like the events but I would up the experience points in the reward section. Once you reach level 35 it takes more than a million EP to level up. and continues to go up each level. Also I would look at your rewards they seem to be on the low end for a special event at all levels. Take a look at the similar events. I would multiply the MM by a factor of ten. Some of the CC's totals need to be rebalanced some are fine some are to low, level 25 + tier 8 250,000 cc is fine but 5,000 cc the tier 7 is low maybe 100,000.

    This is a great idea. Now to get RC to work on it. :)
    promaster102 likes this.
  3. i don't understand:oops::mad::confused:
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I sent you a long personal message. I just trying to say the rewards need to be more balanced. Sorry tried to give out to much information in to little statement.
  5. WereBo

    WereBo User

    Mmmmmm, a really nice suggestion, what would make the 'icing on the cake' would be a flotilla of carnival wagons/floats driving around the streets (alongside the pedestrians and cars) on completion of the event [​IMG]
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That is a cool idea. How about a Dixie band to lead it. Some New Orleans Jazz in the background music while the parade is going on.
    Geflin likes this.
  7. i forgot to add this: since it will be a once event. how will participate in this event, in the ending you will see parade floats/wagons driving in your city (streets).(thanks WereBo for reminding me)

    no problem billyjim i do the same
  8. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I agree, this would be best as a nine stage once a year special event held in conjunction with mardi gras carnival. Great work on your event idea, loving it. The beads and feathers as drop items are a nice touch (thanks to all who added suggestions :) ). Also like the idea of shooting stars as prizes, because at higher levels they take like foreeeeeeever to collect. O.K. Devs, are ya hearing us?:rolleyes:
    promaster202 and promaster102 like this.
  9. Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
  10. and since promaster102 is not where to be found i will take over this place.
    tomorrow i will post some new events. if the devs want some new events check here and you will find lots and lots.
    i have in mind:monster truck show,new years even celebrations,pet show,super chef contest and lots others
    Geflin likes this.
  11. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Sounds great, especially the monster truck show...that could replace the Classic Car Rally (but please, no more Dream Garages).
    promaster202 likes this.
  12. will do
    that too
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2015
  13. piche413

    piche413 User

    And no more tofu
    promaster202 likes this.
  14. before i start whit the events:
    today i will post 2 events.(new year's eve celebrations and monster track show)

    new year's eve celebrations 2015

    The new year's eve celebrations has 2 difficulties with 9 challenges in each:

      • Level 8-24
      • Level 25-75
    This nice event has 9 challenges with 8 production goods, 4 drop items and 1 one street boulder.

    Special Rewards:

    Decorations: happy new year banner-new year clock tower

    Residential Building: feast tower
    Level 8-14

    145 Beams [​IMG]120 Logs[​IMG]250 Experience[​IMG]5.000
    City Credits
    2 Dishwasher
    250 Ebony
    150 Lumber
    500 Experience[​IMG]2.500
    Prod. Points
    700 wood
    500 wood
    750 Experience[​IMG]25 Metro Money
    2 Home Gym
    4100 lanterns100 candles1.000 Experience[​IMG]50 Metro Money [​IMG]20 Vitamin X
    5500 Posters
    -----------------1.500 Experience[​IMG]1 Wheel
    Buff Ticket
    1 Shooting Star
    6500 feast Bread
    -----------------2.000 Experience[​IMG]2,000 Edu. Points
    1x permit for
    7250 Balloons
    250 Bricks
    2.500 Experience[​IMG]5.000
    Edu. Points
    1x permit for
    new year banner'
    8100 fireworks-----------------3.500 Experience[​IMG]10.000
    Prod. Points
    24h rent collector
    9 500 Beer
    250 Champagne
    5.000 Experience[​IMG]25.000
    City Credits
    1x 'feast tower'

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2015
    Geflin likes this.

  15. Level 25+

    1150 Beams [​IMG]400 Logs[​IMG]250 Experience[​IMG]5.000
    City Credits
    2 Dishwasher
    2150 Ebony
    500 Lumber
    500 Experience[​IMG]2.500
    Prod. Points
    2 permits for
    322000 Brushwood
    700 wood
    750 Experience[​IMG]25 Metro Money
    2 Home Gym
    4200 lanterns200 candles1.000 Experience[​IMG]50 Metro Money [​IMG]20 Vitamin X
    5800 Posters
    -----------------1.500 Experience[​IMG]1 Wheel
    Buff Ticket
    1 Shooting Star
    61200 feast Bread
    -----------------2.000 Experience[​IMG]2,000 Edu. Points
    1x permit for
    7250 Balloons
    600 Bricks
    2.500 Experience[​IMG]5.000
    Edu. Points
    1x permit for
    new year banner'
    8200 fireworks-----------------3.500 Experience[​IMG]10.000
    Prod. Points
    24h rent collector
    9900 Beer
    450 Champagne
    5.000 Experience[​IMG]25.000
    City Credits
    1x 'feast tower'

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2015
  16. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Rent collector as a event prize? Now THAT's some mighty fine thinking there, my friend. Oh my goodyness the devs need to think about using that idea at the very least. Nice work on this event idea. Hope we get to see it for 2015-2016.
    promaster202 likes this.
  17. thanks @Geflin and a 1 permit for bakery too :) :) :)
  18. monster track show
    hey mayor! there are a lot of monster track drivers in our city.why dont we arrange for a monster truck show? it will be awesome!

    has 2 difficulties and with 5 challenges each:
    • level 20-25
    • level 26+
    Special Rewards: Exclusive residential - monster track showroom
    level 20-25
    1150 Bricks
    800 Logs
    5.000 [​IMG]
    10.000 [​IMG]
    Prod. Points
    1 Aquarium RI
    (**** epic)
    2400 Beams
    295 Plywood
    7.500 [​IMG]
    10.000 [​IMG]
    Edu. Points
    50 [​IMG]
    Metro Money
    3175 show
    -----10.000 [​IMG]
    100 [​IMG]
    2 permits for
    'First Aid Tent'
    4550 Beams
    400 Brown
    Ale Kegs
    15.000 [​IMG]
    75 [​IMG]
    Metro Money
    2 permits for
    'Water Station'
    5150 Car Parts
    250 Tools
    20.000 [​IMG]
    100.000 [​IMG]
    City Credits
    1 permit for
    ''monster track
  19. level 26+
    1500 Bricks
    1.900 Logs
    7.500 [​IMG]
    10.000 [​IMG]
    Prod. Points
    3 Wheel Buff
    21250 Beams
    450 Plywood
    15.500 [​IMG]
    10.000 [​IMG]
    Edu. Points
    50 [​IMG]
    Metro Money
    3300 show
    -----20.000 [​IMG]
    Metro Money
    2 Bar RI
    4600 Beams
    1.500 Brown
    Ale Kegs
    25.000 [​IMG]
    24h rent collector
    2 Pool Table
    5500 Car Parts
    600 Tools
    30.500 [​IMG]
    250.000 [​IMG]
    City Credits
    1 permit for
    ''monster track
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
    Geflin likes this.
  20. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like both of your ideas. Well done. I agree 24 hour rent collector is an awesome idea. Kudos.
    promaster202 likes this.
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