News, Updates and Changes.

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by -Wizz-, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Rising Cities OA – News, Updates und Changes​

    Commercial building optimization

    Starting immediately it’s now possible for you to optimize commercial buildings. As a result, many more products can be delivered to commercial buildings, and thus the needs of residents can be met much longer.

    • All commercial buildings have been given two more levels.

    • In the Pizza Palace, the “tomatoes” which you need to deliver are dropped. These tomatoes are then brought to the bakery when you want to make pizza dough.

    • There is an introductory quest once again.

    • If you upgrade a commercial building to the next level and there are still products inside the building, these items will be transferred to the Warehouse. They won’t be lost forever.

    New symbols for restrictions:

    Should you try to put a building on the wrong surface, a symbol will now appear, describing why this building cannot be put there.



    In the game:


    Upgrade symbol on production buildings

    An upgrade symbol now also exists for production buildings, showing when the corresponding upgrade level has been reached.

    In the game:


    New maintenance page

    We have a new page which shows when maintenance work is being done. On this page, you will find Twitter messages/posts to keep you up to date during downtimes. In addition, you’ll find links to our Youtube Channel and the podcast as well as the Spreadshirt Shop.

    Here’s an example of the page:



    • The introductory quest for intermediary levels has been added to the game.

    • Various translations were corrected in the game.
  2. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

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