Next year's birthday....

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by momEva, Sep 21, 2014.

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  1. momEva

    momEva User

    A lot of people were disappointed by the last birthday quest. Part of the problem was that you had such an absolutely "over the top" event last year.. one that was really too big to repeat on a regular basis (without highly skewing the game). Still, I think having a yearly birthday even where people get a real chance to win some of the older prizes from past years would be nice.

    Here a few different suggestions, some might work together, some would have to be "either or" options.

    1. Set up a wheel with all old awards items... special decorations & buildings, along with assorted sets of products, mm bounties, etc. Anything deleted from the regular quests or just offered in the past quests would be offered up here. Give each player a ticket as a "birthday bonus".

    2. Similar to above, but give out bonuses based on the time or level achieved. Those who have been here longer and/or reached a higher level would get extra tickets to use.
    (1 ticket for every 6 months, or for every 10 levels, for example).

    3. (my favorite idea) have a year by year quest that would grow each year.
    Have a quest that is really a series of smaller "yearly" quests, offering a chance to randomly win one of the special items offered in of CC's years. Each year would have sections. Initially, you might have 2 or even 3 tiers per year, but as time goes on, you will want only 1 tier per year. (note ... the developer advantage is that you get to "recycle" the event without it being a true repeat).

    The award for each tier would be a random award of one of the special items offered in that year. (note .... if early items have already been discarded, you can just reintroduce a few). If its divided, you could offer one chance at a decoration (for less effort) and another chance for a building.

    4. Offer a stratified tier quest featuring older items, as above, except that while the prizes are still a random selection of past prizes, each level will be stratified. Just as an example, the first level might offer a choice of decorations with under 25 happiness, the second might offer slightly better decorations, a third might offer one of the featured buildings. If you want to keep the Fondant Palace as the "featured" end, then just sweeten it a bit with some more CCs or MM. (Though I honestly think you can do better)

    5. ( This would be fun, but much more technically complicated)

    Offer quest "tickets" (NOT wheel or lottery tickets). Everyone would get at least one ticket that would allow the player to complete the quest described above. (#4) Players might then get additional tickets, either for being here longer or based on their level. The first ticket must be used within a week or it will expire. (similar to other event limits) Other ticket(s) will be usable for longer.
    billyjim likes this.
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Great ideas. May the developers ears and minds be open.
  3. brucenic

    brucenic User

    The birthday disappointment has not gone away. :(
    I saw what bigger players got last year (when I was small) and was looking forward to some kind of thank-you for a year's diligent play. But no. And let's remember, it's not like they are giving us REAL stuff - it's just pictures on a screen.

    If RC are that mean, then a reduced scope, but still generous option as proposed by momEva would be gladly received.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    All true, I was not around for the first birthday event, but I heard such great stories about it that I could not wait for it to get here. Then when we got the event we got. What a let down. Oh, well, onward and upward.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  5. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Too much excluding and randomness. Special, infrequent events should give out the same rewards to all or you'll just end up with a lot of disappointed people. The Champagne boosters certainly aren't ideal, but if they give you good chances, then it's at least passable from what I saw. Still, even if it were present, peopel may not have gotten what they wanted, and then what? Wait another year and the rewards might change? Exclusives are especially annoying when you can never get them. Not always the player's fault they weren't around earlier, or had to miss it.

    There ought to be another avenue to obtain such exclusives.
  6. momEva

    momEva User

    If they were available all the time, they would just be normal items. People are disappointed to miss "specials", but it is the limit that makes them valuable.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree that limited and special rewards are exactly that and if they are given out to often they become common place. But, an annual event, such as a birthday, does deserve something unique or significant to denote its occurrence. It does not have to be the same as previous years, it should be note worth though.
  8. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I never said they should be available all the time, only that it would be nice to have another way to get them — especially past ones.
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Agreed, would like to have it for many other items also.
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