Nice updates

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Joey77, Jan 9, 2014.

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  1. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Few things I would like to see added in game:

    -Residential improvement that raises drop rates for weekly quest drop items.

    -Bigger X's or close buttons in the corners of opened screens.

    -40 person homes for end reward in weekly quests for high level players.

    -More side quests for master keys being reward for high level players.

    -Improvements to be added in production buildings similar to RI's for homes.

    -Visual alarm shown for emergencies if another box is opened, such as Warehouse and Marketplace.
  2. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    I like these ideas. I also would like to see mood increases on some of the decorations. I really can't see spending 3-5x as much for one decoration over another only to get 1 or 2 mood points more. The price increase should be reflected better in the reward for spending the coin.
  3. You pay for density. Low density is cheap, high density is expensive. Quite logical and reasonable scheme.
  4. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    some examples I have available to me at level 16.
    Tree sells for 3300 CC gives 13 mood
    purple Tulip bed sells for 4400cc and gives 14 mood
    Palm Tree 7100CC and 16 mood

    Density does not seem to play a part here. Since the palm tree is the most expensive and least dense graphics wise at any rate. Tree and tulip bed are about = yet for 1100 coin you only get 1 point. might as well save the 1100 coin and get the cheaper one if your only losing one point of mood by doing so.

    All I am saying here is the incentive should be there to buy the higher level decorations. As this set of examples shows financially the incentive is lacking.
  5. brucenic

    brucenic User

    @Idaliah - there is no need for an incentive - you will run out of permits and have to buy the more expensive one anyway:eek:
    Most things have diminishing returns - each level takes more experience to get through, each ers level ditto, each house has higher price and proportionately less pay back etc etc.
    It kinda has to be like that or else it would just get too easy.
    What IS debateable is how quickly the returns diminish.

    @Joey - great ideas. Except for the alarm one.;)

    some examples I have available to me at level 16.
    Tree sells for 3300 CC gives 13 mood
    purple Tulip bed sells for 4400cc and gives 14 mood
    Palm Tree 7100CC and 16 mood

    Density does not seem to play a part here. Since the palm tree is the most expensive and least dense graphics wise at any rate. Tree and tulip bed are about = yet for 1100 coin you only get 1 ​
    Mas35 likes this.
  6. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    O those lvl when they handed out deco almost free :p
    Flagpole 22.000 - 25 mood
    Modern Sculpture 50.000 - 27 mood
    28.000 for 2 extra mood :eek:
    Obelisk 100.000 - 33 mood

    I do agree with you that the price increase is steep, but you will have to buy them later on anyway or you will run out of mood.
    Mas35 likes this.
  7. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    I've not purchased any of the Obselisks, modern sculptures, flagpoles, etc.
    I find that the decorations you get from events + commercial buildings upgrades are sufficient to keep my mood at around 85%.
    I have won the yacht + shipwreck on the loot-o-matic in recent times, which has helped get my mood in the early 90s, but they are also rather expensive.
    Mas35 likes this.
  8. I think if you check the general tendency you will find out that you mostly pay more for point per square with higher level decos then lower. Not 100 % rule but still easily noticeable tendency. So I think it does play part here, but I wouldn't fight for it. It's just partial explanation of the game mechanics and logic, if you want to view it this way.

    From this point of view your quest for incentive seems to lack any solid ground as above metioned tendency is quite simple and logical. The incentive, as already mentioned, is the progress of the game itself - higher level players make more money and can afford to exchange cheap LD deco for mostly more expensive HD deco to clear some space for other things. Hope it makes more sense now. :)
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