No access to Easter event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cecily13, Mar 17, 2016.

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  1. cecily13

    cecily13 User

    cecily13 | ID 5454532

    I have no access to the Easter event. I can only see the Flea market, and the rock festival coming soon, the third slot is empty. What should I do?

    edit: the last event i did was the valentine day event
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

  3. cecily13

    cecily13 User

    Sorry, having no problem with login I didn't read the announcement. I'll wait. You can close the thread. Thank you very much for your reply.
  4. Thread Closed :)
  5. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

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