no connection

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by c05ty, Jul 20, 2017.

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  1. c05ty

    c05ty User

    The connection issue, I delete history from the broser and flash player and all for nothing. Name : c05ty, ID:2785320
  2. I have checked your account as far as I am able t go, as you are online it would seem that your issue is now resolved
  3. c05ty

    c05ty User

    Not the problem persists when I give the city map full screen
  4. I have been able to log into your account and collected some rent and restarted your manufacturing, now your account seems to be working normally
  5. c05ty

    c05ty User

    [​IMG] no...
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I have also logged into your account and have no problem accessing your game and collecting rent ecetera. I have also changed screen from full screen to window. We can not recreate your issue. We can only sumise that there is a connectivity issue with the internet. If it continues, we suggest you send in a support ticket.