No credit given for completed farmer's market event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tville, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. Tville

    Tville User

    Completed the farmers market event but it does not show as completed. Says I still need to finish the quest (along the side where tasks are). If I go to the event area, farmers market is not available to select. Would really like my 12MM for completing!

    Assyla likes this.
  2. Tville

    Tville User

    ID number is 7711195
  3. I dont remember a reward of 12 mm for the farmers market you sure it wasnt for some other challenge i could always appreciate such a reward
  4. Tville

    Tville User

    Yes, along the side of my screen where the tasks are, it has a check mark beside it and when you open it, it says that I need to complete the task. In the rewards box, it shows 12 mm as well as 250 XP
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please do not post twice for the same issue you only double my work for the same answer, and I am lazy.:cool:
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