No Farmer's Market?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Skyler77, Apr 24, 2016.

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  1. Skyler77

    Skyler77 User

    Hello everyone and I hope you're having a great day.

    Months ago (I don't remember exactly when) I waited for the farmer's market event to cycle around and I saw it fairly quickly and I started it and tried to complete it for the quest, but I didn't even come close to completing it. I thought: "No big deal, I'll just keep playing and level up myself a bit and build up my city a bit more and try again." So that's what I did. And now I feel ready to try the farmer's market again...but it doesn't seem to be available even though the forum calendar seems to indicate that it should be available right now.

    Can anyone help me please?

    my ID is 959178
  2. G`day Skyler77, firstly, your game id is 9595178 so your account took a little while to find :D
    secondly, the farmers market is only available for Mayors who have not reached level 20 and I see that you are now at level 21.
    Sadly a lot of mayors have missed out on this event, some time ago we asked that the farmers market be available to everyone as a special event, the powers that be have not delivered on this as yet :(
    Is there anything else that we can help you with on this topic:rolleyes:
  3. Skyler77

    Skyler77 User

    Oops! Sorry about the game ID mistake! :oops:

    That's a bummer about the level. I really wish I had known that, I definitely would have tried to do the farmer's market before I reached level 20...but thanks very much for your answer, I really do appreciate the quick response! ;)
  4. were always happy to help nice players:)
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