No MM for Cineplex - POST HERE

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ironkat, Apr 6, 2014.

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  1. accelman

    accelman User

    I've got the same issue too... I thought maybe after the downtime last night it would be working, but I guess not. :(
  2. accelman

    accelman User

    If you can't help with it, can you at least report it???

    Just as a matter of course, the same ads that were paying out have now ceased to do so... pretty sure the payout of MM is controlled/handled by BP at some level. Thanks!
  3. My Cinema doesn't work either. I'll watched The videos but no payout last two days.

  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Same here. I get success, congratulation, completed, enjoy your MM and such but the MM counter don't work.
    Going from the reports here on forum this aren't a cinema problem but a MM "counter" problem.
    Luckily I haven't started the event.
  5. If that is the case, that the update is responsible for broken MM counter, then it would be time for a big appology and a change of policy, as it would prove the statement "cinema is out of out control" to be a bit false. :)
  6. shaman44

    shaman44 User

    I, too, have not been credited for the MMs from 3 movies just a few minutes ago, and possible from the previous two days , also. I also completed the Biker challenge and received no MMs for the stage completed. medicineman108 6995263
  7. wise words yet again "O great R/C speaker" (nortoncommander) so what do we mayors do about it as it is pointing to flatten the cinema and start again like the proverberbial phoenix rising from the ashes. but will "BP" take on board and act on it. Surely that is the question.

  8. Haha! We will trust there is somebody with a common sense still working. :)
  9. Common sense , now that's a phrase not spoken much nowadays, hmm is there anyone with it?

  10. My cineplex said both that I have a adblock (which I don't) and that there are no movies to view.
  11. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We have noticed the increasing number of complains on the Cineplex and will follow up on this issue.

    As for not receiving Metro Money from other sources, please follow the normal course of action:

    a) paid packs issue > billing ticket
    b) reward issues > separate forum thread or support ticket
  12. MikeyC69

    MikeyC69 User

    Day 4.

    But I guess that doesn't matter since these posts were all relegated to the "we don't give a damn" section.
  13. Malayswiss

    Malayswiss User

    Hello Moderator`s,

    I have same problem like some others with no credit been reward after watch the movie even i not block the add. Is already 3 days no reward received.

    Please help as you inquiry to apply own thread.

    My user - Malayswiss and id no - 3921001

    Thank you.
  14. Mikey, i treat the cinema as a deco now as for me i had a period of 11 weeks where i had either no movies or were unable to collect the mm. as this is a feature that costs nothing so therefore is a freebie accept the idea that if you do get the reward its a bonus
  15. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    Been a couple of days worth I think... just watched carefully to confirm for sure.
  16. Bonsajim have you read the sticky cineplex please read yet
    this post will be merged into the others shortly

    happy gaming
  17. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I think we have posted enough replies on this subject advising that this feature is beyond our control.

    All of the issues have been passed onto management so they can in turn talk to the providers.

    On a personal basis I have said many times that I do believe this feature should be removed until it works but that is a personal opinion.
  18. Dollars2

    Dollars2 User

    So i successfully watched a movie and the pop up saying metro money has been awarded (came up with the watch more movies button or ok buttons) but no metro money was credited to my account. I watched the same movie a day or so before the update and it credited metro money to my account. This problem only came into being once the new playfield came out.
    I think this may be a bug related to the new matenience and not with the videos that I have watched before suddenly not deciding to pay out like they did a couple days ago.
  19. the cineplex is not attached to the game and therefore is controlled independently.there are so many threads on these issues this post will be merged with others shortly
    happy gaming
  20. MikeyC69

    MikeyC69 User

    The less noise we make the less the chance of it being fixed.

    Simply put, I have been watching 3 ads a day for 4 days now and have gotten nothing that is "owed" for it. So where is the MM going? Obviously the ad company pays for the MM at a discount rate, so Rising Cities is still making its $$. So basically how I see it is RC is getting paid and we are getting stiffed while making them said $$.

    Yeah, I will continue to be vocal.
    TellusXIV likes this.
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