No room

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Harvey54, Mar 13, 2016.

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  1. Harvey54

    Harvey54 User

    I do not have any room left to place my houses i have , i only have the cold areas, will i be able to have more land soon so i can carry on playing the game please.
  2. Asplund

    Asplund User

    You have to buy more land by using your CityCredits or MetroMoney.
  3. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you Asplund. That is correct, Harvey54, You will need to buy and unlock more plots of land, sucess
  4. piche413

    piche413 User

    The problem is that you have to spend metro money to buy houses for the snow area. I have bought all the 142 plots and unless I want to spend a lot of my own money there is no moving forward.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    So you have reached the stage of a mature city. So now you have the problem all cities come to at some point. What to do when you run out of space. Sounds like it is time for an Urban Renewel project. You will have to make selections of discarding some of your lower volume buildings in favor of better valued ones. The choice is up to you.

    Do not get me wrong I would love to have an additional play field or two. But we have not had any additional real estate for several years.
  6. Harvey54

    Harvey54 User

    Thanks billyjim, well explained.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Thank you for appreciating the comment. We each play the game as we wish. One of the beauties of the game. But, to not get bored or frustrated it has to be dynamic. You have to change how you do things and solve different problems differently. Also think of what would happen if we kept getting more and more territory. Eventually the older areas would stagnate and we would have to spend our entire life running a virtual city.
    Harvey54 likes this.
  8. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Very true Billyjim.

    I kept my small houses in the suburb, I like them a lot. I know that some Mayors have only skyscapers.
    Eache one of us has got diffrent iseas for our cities and that is really nice. :)
  9. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, I don't think stagnation of older areas is as much of a problem. Once you get an area how you like there may not be a desire to change it. Of course it's easy to keep advancing if you aim for a metropolis, but smaller and/or more spacious cities will suffer more, as far as progress speed is concerned.

    I know it must be a balancing act, but I'm certain we can fit some more land and assets without loosing balance. At the very least, we need some lakeside terrain to the west (and water in the suburbs). :D
    Harvey54 likes this.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Very true sir, The main point I was trying to make is that if we keep getting more land then at some point something has to give. Either the older parts of the city will stagnate or be ignored for the exciting new properties. Another point is how much time are we willing to put into the game the more space the more time necessary
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I understood that. What I'm saying is that those might not be problems. Stagnation may only be a problem if you feel you must redevelop or use all of your permits. Aside from more space, stagnation can be prevented by more assets. There is enough space for some of everything as-is so there really is little need to redevelop unless one wants cram in higher-density buildings, the gaining of which will likely take a long time anyway. Some want more space to increase density, some to reduce it.

    Time, well, already it's a game for the long-haul, but I don't see more space necessarily equating to more time spent. You will spend more time if you cram, yes, but that is variable. Spreading out takes much less time than rising up, which is not everyone's goal. Space will become expensive long-term goals anyway, and not everyone is required to reach them.

    Of course, there has to be some limit, but I feel the cardinal directions are at least reasonable (not that I'd refuse the ordinals though) as far as fields, and a level of 100. Overall, more assets are probably better than more space as far as variety is concerned. Not being able to fit/do everything forces people to make more choices.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Arsuru as usual I agree with you completely. A slight amount of additional realestate would be nice to have. But like everything to much would be as big or a bigger disaster than the current situation. I am still awaiting my desired Sea port/Industrial area.

    Some additional assets would be great also. I always like having choices.
  13. thank you everyone for all you help here :)
    question has been answered closed
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