No soccer game

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by -dormouse-, Jun 28, 2016.

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  1. -dormouse-

    -dormouse- User

    Hi. The artists event just finished in my square but the soccer one isn't there for me to start, only the lumberjack one; tried on 3 different computers :(

    -dormouse- | ID 9561355
  2. G`day -dormouse- , thankyou for bringing this to our attention :(. I have mailed the appropriate people to find out what has happened and when I get a reply it will be posted in the OA section in the forum.
    Hopefully this will not be taking too long to get a resolution:):)
    Just a thought though, could you have started the event then cancelled it to start the new one?
  3. -dormouse-

    -dormouse- User

    Hi Tassie, no is the answer to your question as it has never come up in my event square :(

    Still no answer? I'm sad not to have been able to take part :( I thought you could reset the game or something?
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 1, 2016
  4. G`day Doormouse I have forwarded your issue to the tech people and am waiting for some news on this, as soon as it becomes availably we will let you know, in the meantime all I can suggest is that you check your event plaza on a regular basis :):)