No Summer Festival?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by MisterN68, Aug 5, 2016.

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  1. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    (Move if in wrong place)

    Summer Olympics start today, but i dont see an event? Did we have a special event when the London Olympics (2012) were on, dont remember that :rolleyes:
    During Sochi (2014 Winter Olympics) we had winter festival and with football (soccer) tournaments we have had events though.
    Also in archives there is a thread about Summer Olympics, but where's the event?
    Dont want to criticise any1, but got used to have an event while a big sports event is on, so was looking forward to have 1 now :D:p

  2. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Yes,I also want to have it.:rolleyes:
    MisterN68,I think that you're a great passionate of sports,aren't you??o_O
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It looks like we are getting a birthday event instead of a summer event. That could be interesting.
  4. the Birthday event is better than nothing i suppose :rolleyes:
    although there is a new building in this one not just something that looks like a remodeled old one ;)
  5. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    That's awesome...
    I think if we want a new event we should asked them(Mods) about it a week or month ago.So that they will be able to make it.:)
  6. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    Yes, I think i am ;):rolleyes:. Boxing, judo, taekwondo, ski jumping, and downhill are not favourites, almost anything else goes, especially ice hockey and english premiership (Not from there, so i support Chelsea and both Manchester Teams):cool::rolleyes:. And Olympics of course (following athletics and anything with ball in the name):);)
  7. good I like football and soccer.
    I hate cricket.:p
  8. Noukicity

    Noukicity User

    I like judo, that's the sport I do, and it's very exciting to watch:)
  9. yeah judo, karate and kung fu they are exciting to watch.(have you watched kung fu panda animated movie);)
    (I have watched all it's parts 1,2,3):)
  10. Noukicity

    Noukicity User

    Yes I have, they are so much fun to watch:)
  11. YEAH PO IS TOO FUNNY I love him;)