Nor Yes, nor No!

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I don't know, I drive a Daihatsu Sirion.
    Do you like Christmas?
  2. Christmas is fun with the younger grand children.
    do you thing it is too over commercialised now
  3. Jello

    Jello User

    Most holidays are becoming that way now, not sure if it's a good or bad thing as there are points for both sides.
    Do you like comedy shows?
  4. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I think some of them are fun.
    do you like romantic movies?
  5. I like the older movies
    do you go to the theatre often
  6. Jello

    Jello User

    I haven't been in over 10 years
    Are you an honest person?
  7. trust me i am very honest :D
    do you trust people
  8. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I don't, unfortunately I learned in my job that people often lie:(
    But the people I know, I trust

    Do you like to sleep?
  9. Zantia1

    Zantia1 User

    ops :p
    I would like to sleep, but i have to get up at 7 every day:mad:
    i have a Daihatzu too, but it's a trevis and i love it.
    Which car do you drive?
  10. no one :p
    do you have more than 2000 metro money?
  11. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I got over 15k MM :D
    Is it sunny where you are?
  12. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Sunny.... It has been raining all day...:confused:

    Do you like chocolate mousse?
  13. Mousse is nice but not on my diet
    do you like Salads
  14. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I love salads, (and mousse, especially chocolate)
    Do you like beef?
  15. beef is becoming too expensive here ,
    do you eat chicken
  16. Jello

    Jello User

    You can't beat a chicken parma
    Have you ever thought about going vegetarian?
  17. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I haven't, I like hamburgers, and saté and steak and spareribs too much :)

    Do you have a bicycle?
  18. I have a excercise bike
    do you ride yours often
  19. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Not at the moment, because my youngest son uses my bike to go to school, but we are going to buy a bike for him soon, so then I have my bike back :)

    Do they cycle a lot in Australia?
  20. in some areas they do
    do you need a license to ride on the road