Nor Yes, nor No!

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I haven't, first there will be Sinterklaas with presents at the fifth of december.
    Do you like the winter?
  2. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    If it would be with snowy, but it's only wet, windy and cold here.
    Do you have lots of snow during winter time?
  3. I haven't seen snow fall yet because I live in a place which does not receive snowfall.
    do you like chocolate ??
  4. I like it a lot :)

    do you look forward to christmas?
  5. it is too fun on christmas.I am looking forward to it.
    Do you have a BFF (best friend forever)
  6. unfortunately I don't have :(

    haven't you still had your birthday in this year?
  7. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    I had my birthday already.
    Do you like birthday parties?
  8. we don't call friends on birthday parties but celebrate with only my family.:)
    Do you shout when you are angry?:p
  9. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    A lot.(which is not good):oops:
    Do you like to read books?
  10. I do not read them they are too much to read(ohhhh)
    do you play with your siblings?
  11. No I don't. do you Do like the time changing every 6 months.
  12. what are you asking?
    do you like chocolates?
  13. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    More than good for me.
    Do you like to cook?
  14. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I have to do it almost every day, but I dont'like it :)
    Do you like to make a christmasdinner?
  15. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    Luckily I don't need to. I'm with my parents over Christmas. :)
    Will you have turkey for Christmas?
  16. I hate birds not like eating them but I have never eaten turkry (are you asking about that turkey or something else)
    do you enjoyed Christmas????
  17. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    I really enjoyed being with my family.
    Did you have a nice Christmas?
  18. It has been a long time since Christmas passed..HA HA;)
    Have you watched the secret life of pets???:p
  19. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Not yet.
    Do you want to play the game everyday?
  20. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities