odd little bug in game.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Idaliah, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    This is going to sound completely crazy I know, but here goes anyway. I was playing a ton of hours today and spotted a new little bug in the game. As I collected stuff and what have you, the ground under both of my brickyards seemed to be moving out from under it. At one point I thought "Oh cool I can move this brickyard out of the way a new plot for it just developed in a great location. Wrong When I refreshed the page I found that it was actually just the graphic had moved a little ways out from where it was supposed to be. This happened a few times today. it Always went back where it was supposed to go upon refresh and did not cause any problems in game play. It was just a little quirk I thought you guys might like to know about. Funny actually.
  2. happens to me as well ponds also move from undr the brewerys usually o refresh the page and its fixed
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As Skippy has said we all see this issue from time to time, we have added it to the Devs wish list to be fixed but I cannot say when they will get to it.
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