Of shore wind farm

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by McChicken, Dec 28, 2013.

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Wind farm

  1. yes

    10 vote(s)
  2. no (write down why not)

    1 vote(s)
  3. something else

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  1. McChicken

    McChicken User

    Since we have the coastal area and much of the sea isn't used. (at least I don't)

    I think it would be a good idea to have a wind farm so you could use the space and get more power. But it will be expensive because green power is expensive most of the time.

    First of al you will need a harbour, cost:250.000cc.
    In the harbour you will be able to build 2 suppliers each will cost 100.00cc.
    The suppliers are needed to maintain the windmills, that means they don't need a road connection so you can place them any where you want.

    The windmills will cost each 50.000cc they will each produce 50-75 power and -5 mood. The size of the windmills will be 1x1.
    You start of with 20 windmills. You can get more with MM or win windmills in events.

    The windmills will only produce power as soon as you have 2 suppliers.

    Total cost: 1.450.000cc, power:1000 or 1500, -100 mood.

    If you think:"that's far to expensive".
    Like I said green power is expensive and if everything in this game was cheap it would be to easy :rolleyes:
  2. brucenic

    brucenic User

    This is a good idea and would some way to improve the power situation.

    To coin a phrase, there is no balance.
    I have 8 coal plants, 4 small power plants, 8 reactors, 6 solar panels, 1 hydro and one windmill for 2,600 residents!
    This is taking up far too much land, and the coal plants are aesthetically and morally displeasing.

    Why can't we upgrade them like every other building?

    Why not 500,000 to upgrade coal plant with C02 extraction, doubling powering and halving mood loss?
    Why not 1,000,000 to upgrade to CHP (Combined heat and power) ?
    Why not 2,000,000 for nuclear power with 2000 power, but 2000 mood loss?

    Come on BP; give me a CHOICE !
  3. Sounds like your favourite phrase. As if you didn't have any. :) Do you live in communist country? :)

    Yeah, upgrade of power plants, in some cool well designed form, would be a nice way to reduce space taken by them. Looking forward to this option, if BP decides to implement it. :)
  4. power plant upgrades will definately be a huge help in freeing up some land
    sooner the better for me
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    there are already wind farms in the game, you buy 2 with metro money and there was 1 rewarded from winterfest event, and you can plant them in your costal region also.

    am i missing something here?
  6. Yes, OP is talking about off shore wind farms. :)
  7. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    my english is not that good, off-shore means in the sea?
  8. Yes, in the sea.
  9. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    hmm i have to agree my energy production plants ocupy now 4 city plots which i would rather use for citisenz.
    but i dont see new plants coming, as long as there is no shortage. they will most likely be premium, which i dont enjoy.

    better make a upgrade plan :) i like upgrading.
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