Old Market Event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Lorraine, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. Lorraine

    Lorraine User

    Old Market Event I was unable to finish in Dec 2013, icon stuck on quest area, will not clear. Please can you help me.

    Also cineplex states I have 2 tickets left, but this morning I clicked on cineplex to start film, it totally cancelled its self out and then said I have to wait until tomorrow (Friday) no film, 1 click and nothing? is there a problem with this building.
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    You forgot your ID number so I can take a look.

    Movies are nothing to do with us they are outside advertisers who will advertize when they feel like it.

    I dont think many outside the US (big advertisers) will have many movies.
    Lorraine likes this.
  3. Lorraine

    Lorraine User

    My ID number
    Lorraine64 ID 7453365
    Thank you for reply:)
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    It is not stuck this is an event you must complete before winning the prize.

    You will need to do the event again when it next comes around.
    Lorraine likes this.
  5. Lorraine

    Lorraine User

    Thank you for the help, still learning about the game which I do enjoy.
  6. Amanda__6

    Amanda__6 User

    I've had the same issue with the cinema, I've not had any films available for the last 2 days.

    Also I completed the Farmer's Market quest but it didn't tick it off and now I've started a new event, does this also mean it didn't count and I have to wait till it becomes available again?? Odd!

    Amanda_6 ID7576731
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Like I said movies are advertisements by outside companies and nothing to do with us at tech support.
    Some countries may never get them while others like the US will get many.
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