One click option.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by xaviersxmen, Dec 30, 2013.

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  1. Can we get a one click bush option? Im sick on clicking then clicking again times all the bushes. Can we get a one click option?
  2. I guess this idea sucks?
  3. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Sure as hell don't.
    nc made a tread abut this in old forum but it sure could use a bump.
  4. Oh I didnt know it was thought of already. If it was then it might not come forth.
  5. It sure doesn't. It's probably just people getting tired expressing our ideas for development team with hardly any feedback from them. One side communication tends to get boring through time and dies out. :) Here's the original suggestion, one of those lucky few that got clear support from one of the moderators and actually made it to the dev team.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  6. Well with all that chat it dont seem like its gonna work. Maybe you should delete the whole forum? I mean if they dont read the ideas or even care whats the point of having it?
  7. Forum is also for exchanging help and ideas and discussions among us players. Then it has an excellent FAQ question on nearly every aspect of the game so it's very usefull. Even this UI section gets read. Look at the link below where I suggest how it probably works.
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