Only 5 Lumber Mills?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by brainsurgeon6731, Mar 3, 2016.

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  1. I only have 5 lumber mills, is there any way to get more?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The number of lumber mills offered in the begining is five. There is an opertunity to gain one more at level 65. That brings the total amount up to six lumber mills. So good luck and enjoy yourself.
  3. wow cool when you lev. up at 65 you get a lumber mill. is there a list telling you get more production facilities.
  4. the only other one is a farm and you get that at level 75:)
    sams264227011a likes this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We also on occasion are offered a production facility as a reward to a special event. But, we can never predict when or where these are going to show up.
  6. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  7. never seen production facilites. other then a bakery in the easter event. if we even get one this year!
  8. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Still wishing they'd give us back those two extra mills purchasable with MM.
    TheCharlesy likes this.
  9. garry58

    garry58 User

    So we never get an extra brickyard, which is what I am always short of! Still gotta manage what you got to the best of your playing ability!
  10. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    We actually did get another brickyard when the suburbs were released, but it didn't help significantly with all the new permits that had come by then and after. The major thing about the extra lumber mills is that they used to be available, and they would actually make a difference for events as well, just like the bakeries that were unevenly distributed.
  11. Imbruglio

    Imbruglio User

    If they give us 10 - we will want 11, 20, we would like 30. I agree that we do not have enough lumber mills but I think this is something the people at BP should be thinking in terms of extra dollars. Could extra licenses be purchased for metro money?
  12. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Some will want twenty, I suppose, but I think ten is a good number for the current size of the game. Seven and eight will make some events go faster already, which I think is a decent reward for reaching the level required to gain the (now) sixth one.

    And yes, they could be available for MM. Like they used to be. With the two we used to be able to buy, the possible total could have been eight. It was fine. You could buy more if and when you needed or wanted, and then the one given as a level reward would have allowed dedicated players to have a deserved bonus allowing them to save a bit of time or become more of a supplier, because at level 65, when it becomes available, lumberyard products are not in short supply.

    But as the removal of those permits for purchase coincided with an increase in the amount of goods needed for events, replacing x-presso with MM, and introducing new content, well, it's no wonder beams are locked at 750 CC… I can assure they would be higher if a cap were not in place. Yet we keep getting bakeries… The motivation in the change is profit, of course, but I'm sure many would still extra buy mills or other facilities either way. It should be limited of course, and how to do so has been discussed plenty, but they really should not have removed those mills.

    Plus they gave a three-day notice when the decision was surely made long before, causing a sense of artificial scarcity, which means impulse purchases. It had nothing to do with balance, because if so they would have equalized everyone.
  13. Thankyou everyone for all your great answers:)
    nothing further here closed
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