Options for starter homes.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Idaliah, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    Ok so you get these little 4 person homes for the starting levels and after final upgrade they only house 12-16 people and don't give much in the way of PP or CC or EP depending on what you have in them. So as you level up your city you want to get rid of these starter homes to make room for flashier, more expansive, and expensive homes right.

    Here is my idea. Instead of demolishing the old houses and getting a few coins and your permit back, why not offer a way to sell the home therefore give up the permits to the home in exchange for half of what ever CC and materials you put into the home. This way though the home is no longer in our inventory as having a permit or on our property, we do get a fair exchange in building materials that we can then put to use on other homes to increase the Value of our cities.

    Demolish = you retain the permit and can rebuild home later.
    Sell = you lose permit and gain half of CC and building materials used for home in return.

    This can be done at all levels but definitely worth it for low level people who are struggling to get things started and manufacturing building upgraded.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
    LoveWinter likes this.
  2. I don't think selling permits is a good idea. Maybe just getting more out of demolition, but keep the permit.
    Appart from that lowbie houses used so little that half of it back wouldn't help much in building fancier houses.
  3. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I agree with norton.
    While the little houses were a major investment when built, by the time you want to demolish them to make way for bigger buildings, their worth is negligible. The smallest house I still have is the turn keys which cost 25,000CC to level up to 4, so I'd probably rather keep the permit just in case there is another land expansion.
  4. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Here is another idea (though probably very difficult to implement). Why not try and have a 5 level upgrade option for 2X2 plot homes by uniting plots? i.e., when you have two adjacent identical houses, you can upgrade both together to a 4X2 plot highrise?
    I bet this would create serious headache for developers, but it could be an exciting feature.
  5. sounds good as long as they can accommodate 40 residents :D
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