Partly switchoff of emergencysystem?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by nennesby, Jul 7, 2016.

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  1. nennesby

    nennesby User

    As a beginner I am short of allmost everything. Just now it is educationpoints. I might solve the problem in this way:
    I could switchoff the emergencysystem. And then thereafter only take the policestation out from the invatory - is that possible? And will I then only have the emergencies for police?
    If I swtchofv the emergencysystem will my specialists then disapear forever?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    nennesby You can disable the complete emergency system as you say. I have never tried what you have suggested in bringing back only part of the system. My opinion is that once you reactivate the Emergency System it will send you all forms of emergencies. Even if you do not have the personel and facilities to fight the crisis. I would like to hear what happens.
  3. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks, maybe I try it. But do you know if my specialists dissapear by switchoff the emergencysystem?
    (and please donot close the thread - maybe some players can help)
  4. the specialists will still be there when you reactivate the emergency system :D
  5. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks, then I will try it later today and tell you what happens....
  6. were always happy to help nice players :)
    Will close here now, if you have further questions please open a new thread.
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