payment issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by iceman431970, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. heres atech question, I spent real money thru paypal 2 times today never got the 140 megamoney either time but paypal took from my card showing transaction complete,but yesterday when I bought some I got confirm number from rising cities this times I got nothing literally. I just want what I payed for asap or I will have to contact paypal to dispute charges.
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    There is a thread for payment issues as it is one thing we from tech support never get involved with.

    All I can say is the accounts people will resolve it as soon as you contact them.

    Quickest way is use the payment issue option and send a support email direct to them, I know you cannot post all you want to say but they will contact you direct.

    There is nothing more I can do here so I will close.
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