Pick them all

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. Perhaps you should read my posts in this thread again. You seem to have completely missed my point.
  2. the mm option would be similar to the rent collector I havnt used that option and I wouldn't use this option if it came into reality although I am sure quite a few would;)
  3. Don't worry, you're of course fully entitled to your oppinion. It's just the "conflict" between "full support" and advocating against the idea that cought my attention. :cool: ;) :cool:
  4. Hmmm...I am quite unsure where I have advocated against this ideao_O:confused:.
  5. You may fail to view it this way but the following sounds exactly like that to me. :) You like it, but not enough to say clear and unambiguous "yes" to it. Instead you advocate for what you see as a balance against the idea. See it? If not, just forget about that. :cool: ;) :cool:

    Well anyway, I can see the idea implemented. Not saying it will, but it can. And will rather give them reasons to implement it, then reasons not to or put MM price tag on it, however small the chance may seem. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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