Playfield expansion

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by skippyroo1980, Mar 5, 2015.

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  1. Some time ago i posted a new playfield topic named " new playfiled mabey"
  2. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Yeah, these ideas get posted again and again. Wish the devs would act on them faster:rolleyes: But, hey, look at the Easter event:D At least something new is happening (yay):)
    Andrewjf, promaster202 and camon like this.
  3. yeah same here the devs should fix problems fatser too.
  4. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Kimmi, your post sparked an idea, and everyone is talking about more 'space'. So this is a little off the planet, but what about the Moon or maybe Mar's (as it's a little less grey)? You could build an International Space port (perhaps in the mountains or maybe NASA style at the coast) and that would then allow you to travel off planet. Lot's of potential new buildings and interesting new types of residents and needs. May have been suggested before but thought I would mention it here :)
    *kimmi* likes this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It has but good ideas never grow old or can never be repeated often enough. Let us combine RC with a couple of other Big Point games for an Inter Galactic Colony building game. :D Hmmmm. What have you started here.
  6. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    I think we don't need additional place neither on Earth nor Moon because lack of space is gameplay feature, not something bad.
  7. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    @Krassandra The game is awesome, I dont think anyone here would disagree on that, or we wouldn't be here talking about it. I think it's more about human nature, plus (again) the higher level players have no room left to build. I would think it was in Bigpoint's interests to keep players playing rather than them having to move on to another game. The consensus appears to be that expansion, left, right, down (there's another thought) or upwards is a need rather than a want. If you look at the top 100 list, most of the higher players that used to post on the forum have mostly evaporated. So rather than lose them (and their potential spending) why not invest a little in another land expansion. If the players don't ask, they won't get and the Forum will end up deserted apart from Technical Issues. Nice to see you back ;)
    city8936, Geflin and skippyroo1980 like this.
  8. being at level 65 now with only the mountain play field left to fill which will cost a lot of mm, my option is to upgrade existing buildings or demolish low density and build high density buildings, which will be a huge outlay in mm, Andrew i agree it is best to keep the high level players another play field and another 25 levels will extent the life of the game for these players for another year or two i doubt if i will start to build another city here.
    camon, city8936, Geflin and 1 other person like this.
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Skippyroo1980 I recently started a second city and it has been a lot of fun. A second childhood so to speak. Correcting a lot of errors I made in the first one. But I agree I doubt it would keep my interest for long, It has added some spice while waiting for some of those long production runs to complete. :D
    *kimmi*, Geflin and Andrewjf like this.
  10. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I too have a second city for these very same reasons. Bottom line is there is a need for more land for higher level players....and this issue only concerns lower level players inasmuch as they will one day be higher level players and then will have the same lack of land issue. The majority consensus concurs, and has for as long as I've been around. I love my (original city) and enjoy the company of the friends I have made here. I don't want to forgo those joys simply because there's nothing left to do with the game; especially when adding a field or two would be within BP's capabilities. Since BP has listened to us three times now (three extra fields) that would seem to indicate the devs also agree with our reasoning. I am confident they are working on expansion and just have not yet revealed such.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  11. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    If you have no room, destroy the low level buildings. Do you find it believable to place two-storied home populated by workers inside a huge metropolis? When city grows, small homes become history, and I don't understand why RC should have the other situation.
    Let the tops go - they never have enough of anything ;)
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  12. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I grew up in San Diego, California, USA. To answer your question, yes I do find it believable to place a two storied home populated by workers next to condos populated by rich folk next to apartments full of students....that exactly describes the exact layout of the East Village section of downtown San Diego in the actual real physical world of a real huge metropolis. In fact, small homes, old architecture, and numerous different styles are speckled all over San Diego; we like our aesthetics out there. Many of those houses (lived in by actual families) are historical landmarks and cannot be bulldozed to make way for fancy modern buildings. In this manner, San Diego County grew into an area that takes two hours to drive across and now sits right next to Los Angeles. Besides, what if I want to keep my buildings?

    Just because you don't think anything needs to be added to the game doesn't mean this is the inescapable sole truth of reality. Have you ever played this game with your Mayor level at 45+ ? Or are you a lower level player attempting to tell everyone who has gone farther in the game than you what they do and don't need added to the game? I am glad you express your opinions, and have found some of your insights worthy of support. As for "letting the tops go because they never have enough of anything", not really a good business idea. After all, I believe higher level players have more reason to spend money on the game than lower level ones; we tend to buy the extras because we have everything else. I would think BP would like to keep it's players/customers as long as possible. Obviously the devs agree that as we progress through the levels we need more room...which is why we received three additional play fields over the past couple of years, all of which unlock at higher levels when room starts becoming scarce (if you've built everything you have the ability to build).
  13. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    That's wrong - F2P games get most money from "rushers", not TOPs
  14. Geflin

    Geflin User

    You are entitled to your opinion. I for one refuse to be a "rusher" for exactly the same reasoning...I'm not into spending bundles of cash to finish a free game fast so I can quit that game and go do it again and again in new game after new game. Besides, like it or not, here you are wrong; and the development team has shown it by giving us new room to build (not once, not twice, but three times).
    city8936 likes this.
  15. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    One example means nothing - although every single user may (or may not) refuse to be a rusher, these rushers still exist and give game lots of money.
  16. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Thankfully Bigpoint's business philosophy with RC does not discriminate. It provides RC free to play, OR pay if you wish to. They are of course a business, but there is no hard sell. Hopefully it will remain that way.

    Getting the thread back on track, there is room for another playing field, and I will support anything that keeps the Long Termers playing and those working their way upwards, something else to look forward to - Like opening the Coast (and the other two fields at Level 25). No reason at all not to keep expanding provided BP has the resources and the players..... I think the needle's stuck....
    Geflin likes this.
  17. Geflin

    Geflin User

    What can I say? The bird likes the way the race car thinks ;) I actually don't think the needle is quite as stuck as it appears to be. I predicted the coming of the new play fields (and I was right). I urged fellow Mayors to openly discuss what they wanted changed or added and to trust the mods and devs would listen (and act); we got two new buildings during the Easter event. Just because the machine is moving slow doesn't mean it's not working ;) I am confident this year and the coming year will hold many a surprise for those who have been waiting so long.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  18. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    NOOOooooo..... I love my little ramshackle timber clad buildings that got me hooked on RC..... As Geflin has said there are many cities in the world that still have little timber cottages in them.... Brisbane is one of them, so it's not unusual. Thankfully RC doesn't support resumption, so the little buildings will stay. As for Tops, well if you stick around long enough you will be one of them.
    Geflin likes this.
  19. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    I meant that I am constantly repeating myself, but I hear what your saying and I hope that you are right. Keep up the good fight!! :):cool:
    Geflin likes this.
  20. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    That's not BP philosophy; that's just general F2P concept.
    The game is not just long-termers.
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