Please keep the over-produced items in the warehouse

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by NightCrawler42, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. It can happens that i over-produced my product when "EVENT" is running..
    Whatever is over-produced please place it in the warehouse to keep and when the new "Event" that required those items, can use again..

    Remember i placed my labour in, and those "Event" items will be fanished in the warehouse...

    Those "Event Items" can't not for sale online(that willn't be fair)... whatever you over-produced, just keep it in the warehouse

    Thank you
  2. ecthrus

    ecthrus User

    I think that would make the events so much easier to complete, so no I don't like that idea
  3. I've moved this to the Update & Idea pool as this is a suggestion, rather than a question.
  4. super_emu

    super_emu User

    Personally I would love extra produce to be saved :) :) :)

    However I dont think they will do this, because (as previously mentioned) it will be too easy to finish events. Producing things in farms is the easiest step, I'd rather them not make the other steps more difficult to account for people getting through the first ones more easily.
  5. I would like to see the extra saved as well, it is not as if you make much more than you need as you are trying to finish the event. the little extra would not be that big of deal.
    St.AnniesBay | ID 1863354
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  6. Railman73

    Railman73 User

    Yeah that would be cool
  7. AldoTF03

    AldoTF03 User

    I would like it as well because it would help get started but you shouldn't be able to go deliberately over and therefore gain an advantage.

    wildheart50122 likes this.
  8. I think it's a good idea. So that the event isn't too easy, the required quantities could have a small increase.
  9. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    Not just over produced items either. In my case today I had 200 vases in stage 3 of flea market and only 66 bears it was a long time b4 I finished the bears and when I separated the capitalists out from workers I had 76 extra vases that are now gone from my inventory. It would be nice to have a head start just in case next time the bears are friendly and the vases are broken and have to be glued together b4 put out by the capitalists.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  10. with the flea market event being over 72 hours my collection of jewelry was in excess of 2500 more than i needed and i had collected sufficient trash to finish challenge 5 while still running the 4th challenge. i didnt finnish the 4th challenge till an hour before the deadline for the event as i was chasing residential drops for the mastery challenge
    i dont feel that saving the over produced goods for the next event has any merit.
  11. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    Maybe once you have all your manufacturing buildings up to max level it is different. But at least at this point, the people just getting to the high end brackets chase the timer down to the wire to get each event done. The extra production items left in will do 2 things for those of us lower in level. First reduce the number of production points needed to finish the event (which might just mean finishing it at all since your farms are usually busy and you are pushing to the limit on pre-prepared resources for homes) and second means less production time wasted on things that if left in our storage will enable us to move on to the next phase sooner. Again this might mean being able to finish the event rather than getting 2/3 of the way through the final stage and running out of time.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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