Population Game general question

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Xioliablue, Mar 29, 2016.

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  1. Xioliablue

    Xioliablue User

    I have a general question about wording/meaning. With copy/cut/paste the forum says line 4.
    "those with Level 3 and level 4 gl estate residences need to deduct the appropriate number of residents from their total pop count, these will be checked".
    Question: what does gl mean?
    ID 9600268
  2. Golden linings estate residences that are in the mountain play field
    is there any thing else that we can help you with on this topic :)
  3. Xioliablue

    Xioliablue User

    No, thank you. Thank you very much. Good day.
  4. were always happy to help nice players :)
    thread closed
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