Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Was not trying to hijack anyone's new to the forum and still learning how it works. At this very moment, I cannot see the number of items needed in the events, my buildings have a tag saying "local id unknown" with a number, my designer depot and other such tabs don't have the words on them, and when I click on an emergency to respond no selection window pops up. Making it hard to complete the events to say the least: I just had to spend the production points to make 1,280 carrots when I need less carrots but could not recall how many so just used all my farms to do so. And have missed medals for three emergencies because it won't let me respond to them. Know you guys will take care of this, but wanted you to know it was happening.
  2. k39zzz

    k39zzz User

    Please fix the glitch's. I'm trying to use the marketplace but instead of showing the price of the item it show's
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    There's a long thread discussion under 'drop items' and they are fixing that glitch; but Wizz told me to start a new thread when I commented the ER system was also glitching. I understand these things happen, but I don't know how to file a "ticket" and want this fixed soon because it's making the event hard to do.
  4. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    I activated my Winter event and see what you mean: not showing how much lumber or how many flagpoles I must deliver. How am I supposed to do the event without wasting production points? How do we let the staff know there is a problem?
  5. You can file a ticket, and the mods will contact you by e-mail. Below I explain you two ways to access the Contact Form. Usually technical issues are discussed in the forum, and sometimes you are asked to file a ticket if they need more information to deal with that specific problem.

    Usually I log in using this web page At the bottom there is a "Support" link. If you click there, you go to a Contact Form.

    If you are already logged in, you can click on the question mark button at the top right corner of the screen (both in full screen or normal screen modes, it is just next to the log out button). In this case, the Contact Form already has you username and ID.
  6. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please always include your user ID when posting a technical issue. Your problems could be browser related and i would advice to clear browser and flash cache and try again to see if these errors are fixed.
    If these actions do not resolve your problem, you can also reply here with your user id so we can investigate your individual account.

    please include your user ID so we can investigate this issue as i cannot replicate it for investigation.
  7. accelman

    accelman User

    I'm having the same issues as described above. Here are some screenshots of my city (as well as the game home page!):




    I'm quite sure that my power was full bar before this... but I can't see any of the numbers anyhow...




    Lastly, here's my ID:

    (accelman | ID 4398681)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  8. l_e_mae

    l_e_mae User

    I am having the exact same issues as accelman. My ID is l_e_mae | ID 7068566
    ETA: something just happened b/c it is now fixed. Thanks!
    dbatwoman likes this.
  9. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please perform a browser/flash cache cleanup and see if issue has been resolved. After downtime changes to the game can break browser cookies or flash cache. If issue is not resolved please report back.

    Flash cache

  10. accelman

    accelman User


    I've done all that... still the same issues.
  11. questmark

    questmark User

    I hope I'm not hijacking but as to cut down on so many threads I am having the exact same issues as these guys. I have also deleted both browser and flash cache with no luck. ID 7690502
  12. dbatwoman

    dbatwoman User

    dbatwoman/ ID 4503422 Same as above. Cleared the cache, same issues.
  13. ID 7656146 Same as above.
  14. bfreud

    bfreud User

    Same problems here plus not a single flagpole drop. Catche clean up does not correct a problem that BP has created. been dealing with this since i longed on this morning (4 hours ago).
    id 2307642
  15. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    User id 7729552 and I run Trend Micro Internet Security and System Mechanic matenance software; I assure you my system is bug free, defragged, optimized, aligned, cleared, etc. continuously every day. I do keep getting SERVER error messages, so the area of problem might well be there? Still having all the problems, too.
  16. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

  17. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Thank you: very useful information :)
  18. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Thanks, appreciate knowing how to do that more than I can say ;)
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    My user ID
    My user id 6153803 and ty for checking into this. I see many others having the same problems and even one set of screenshots. I don'y know how to send a screenshot. What is, btw, a 500 Internal Server Error nginx/1.4.4 ? Could that be the problem?
  20. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We are looking into this issue as well, please understand that filing a ticket and posting on the forum will have same result.
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