Post maintenance problems

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dravnox, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. dravnox

    dravnox User

    when I logged in after maintenance, my energy and mood levels are considerably lower than they should be, by some 2000 points. I read that this was a major issue before maintenance, but I have this problem after. Has something changed in game and does anybody else have this kind of problem?

    dravnox | ID 7122008
  2. I didn't notice any energy issues, but the emergency system isn't working ... it freezes. In the marketplace, it's unclear what you're purchasing and for how much. In the manufacturing, same thing. If I didn't have enough time in the game to know what I was doing, I'd be lost. Thankfully, I was able to restart all of my production with long projects so that I can get offline and wait for a few fixes to take place.
  3. Just by looking at the sliders it seems to be ok, but I haven't recorded the numbers. Also I still haven't applied any mastery/level 4 power/mood reduction bonus. Waiting for the definite fix. So ..........
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please do a browser and flash cache cleanup and try reloading game.
    If issue persists please post again with game id so we can investigate.
  5. Cleaned the cache. Checked the browser. Issues persist. Also, building descriptions display as building ID codes. Screen freezes when I try to upgrade a building. In the designer depot, there are no headings, no cost identities for MM charges ... only for CC. I purchased a building not knowing it was going to cost me MM, but you did give us a heads up that additional buildings could be purchased so this was not totally unexpected. Emergency system still freezes. Market issues still prevail.

    WildHeart50122 | ID 7410027

    I also have various items coming up missing when I reload ... houses, manufacturing, etc.

    Not dealing with this all right now. I'll check back later to see if anything has been fixed.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 20, 2014
  6. I also have the mood/energy issue after maintenance.
    I cleaned flash cache and cleared my browser.

    These are my numbers:

    mood gains66546714
    mood loss82018185
    • energy production: it seems to be ok. I counted all my energy power plants and they give 4190 units of energy. I think the City Hall provides 20 units more, which gives a total of 4210.
    • I have 8 Prefabs and 4 Suburban Homes upgraded to level 4 with -50% energy/mood Specialty that never decreased the total values of the city as they should. In this post Power/mood reduction issues I show the results of an "experiment" I did with one Prefab, after someone claimed that the problem had been solved. But the total reduction I got after putting one house 3 times in the inventory and back in the field was less than the reduction all my level 4 houses should give. So that can't be the reason for this change of values in my case. Also, mood gains shouldn't be affected.
    I haven't explored much of the city yet. I just logged in and noticed this issue. Now my energy is below 75%. I hope this will be fixed as soon as possible!
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
  7. DAVE111117

    DAVE111117 User

    before the update i had over 11,000 power now i have gone down to 6460 a drop of almost 5,000 ID#7330380 please can someone check to see what has happened. from my count my power plants total 7570 plus whatever from CH lvl6.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
  8. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We have reproduced and reported the power/mood issue, it is currently being investigated and Dev team will provide a solution as soon as humanly possible.
  9. dravnox

    dravnox User

    I cleared flash cache and browser history, as recommended, but its unchanged. I am still missing energy and mood for some reason.

    dravnox | ID 7122008
  10. DAVE111117

    DAVE111117 User

    i also have cleared all caches and reloaded game power issue is still out to lunch but my mood seems to be fine.
  11. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Back on Saturday (In a thread they closed) I said,

    I don't want to be the jerk on the forum, but ... I told you so.

    PS, My mood indicator went down my almost 50%. Wonder how long it will take them give up and roll this back??

    if they even can ....

    So, Mr. Producer, whatever your name is this week, what are you going to say about this mess?
  12. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    The script has been running to fix missing buildings. The power and mood indicators are being looked into and a fix will be provided as soon as it is available.
  13. Snap

    Snap User

    I logged on today to a more than 25% drop in power also. I built another coal pwr. plant to help make up the loss. Not realy what i wanted to do. I cant read any numbers on anything. the best i get is an id. #. realy frustrating day in the city. Snap.
  14. woodmouse

    woodmouse User

    the event drops are still not coming out when money is collected i dont have long left on event timer very dissapointed with this everything was fine before maintenance . :mad:
  15. No matter what part of town I go to (coast/city), I find at least one or two buildings missing regardless of how many times I refresh.
  16. carem78

    carem78 User

    im getting unkown local id on every thing...missing text.
  17. Doggone

    Doggone User

    Am experiencing these problems as well. Terrible.
    Event timer and other dialogue boxes are blank.
    Inventory display issues.
    Power/mood display issues
    Missing event inventory.
    These are just the things I've noticed after logging in for 5 minutes.

    Edit: This is a mess! One of the worst maintenance implementations I've ever seen for any game.
    -The game is unplayable. I can't see how much time is left for my current event and am afraid to begin production to complete it.
    -I'm unable to respond to emergencies.
    -There are so many display issues, it's impossible to see what I have, what I need or what's happening during game play.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
  18. I'm having same problems, no text showing up next to missions and getting just the building ID codes as well. Tried reloading several times and is the same each time I log in.
  19. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    This issue has been forwarded to our team which is working on a fix.
    There is no need for other posts on the matter.
  20. I can't log in to any of my accounts now, I reported not being able to log in to 2 of them several days ago. Whilst waiting for a reply I made another account, which was working yesterday, now today I can't log in to that one either.
    I still haven't had a reply for why I can't use the first 2 accounts yet.
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