Post maintenance..residential drop issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kuroyany, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    not sure how "slightly different" the issue is: post maintenance glitches, not just the drop items...also the areas I mentioned, and on my new thread someone says it's also the marketplace not displaying the usual information. Check out my new thread "Post Maintenance Glitches" and you can see that. Am confused; do I start a thread for the ER glitch, a thread for the 'local id unknown" glitch, a thread for the fact the event center won't show how many carrots I must deliver, a thread for the fact the designer depot has info missing, a thread for the market saying instead of what the prices are, and so on? Or do I just remark there are several other post maintenance glitches on top of the drop items?
  2. As far as the phone numbers laying around, they will be there until the event is completed unless you pick them up yourself. As soon as the event is done, what you have not cleaned up will disappear.
  3. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    I just activated my Winter event and see where it's not telling how much lumber or how many flagpoles I must deliver. This was not the case before maintenance with the event I was doing. So it's not just your drop items.
  4. Whatever you can't see on the game screen, you can find these details in the event faq under the Event 360.
  5. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    point is, there are several missing pieces of information, on top of the drop item issue, and all seem to be post maintenance. My event center says "local id unknown" with a I feel lucky it even allowed me to start the event. and a FAQ won't pop up the specialist selection screen so I can earn medals will it? Just like those who said their drop items were not registering: ALOT OF STUFF ISNT! Fix all not one hmmm?
  6. Chickadee

    Chickadee User

    You would do better to start a new thread with your questions, and also add a post to an existing thread, if it is relevant to one of your problems. Adding a post to an existing thread, especially if it is unrelated, or only a tenuous link -means that your problems can get overlooked by the Mods. They tend focus on what the thread is about, not possible disparate issues within the thread. They are few and the questions are many.
  7. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I did both of these things. Don't know if Wizz checked out my "Post Maintenance Glitches" thread or not.
  8. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We would like 1 thread for each specific issue so we can investigate.

    I understand that several things may go wrong but we have to tackle each one at a time and try reproduce so they can be fixed. Can you please post a screenshot or open a ticket with your event center error and a user ID.
  9. At these times I feel a great sympathy for our mods. Devs mess it up, but mods have to face the crowd.

    We love you guys. :) We know it's not your fault. :cool: :D :cool:
    TellusXIV, PTS100 and wildheart50122 like this.
  10. accelman

    accelman User

    Just to add to the (on-topic) fray, I'm also having the same problem. I collected carrots from my barns (which I was then able to deliver via the empty event screen), and went to the last level of the Ancient Festival. Did a full collection, and no gold whatsoever.

    accelman | ID 4398681
  11. 1bøhmand

    1bøhmand User

    got same probleme

  12. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We are aware that residential drops for events are not working properly and will provide a fix as soon as it is available.
  13. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    I don't know how to send you such a screenshot or open a ticket. My user id is 7729552. My computer keeps popping up internal server error messages...I had to try three times just to load the forum. Let me know what I can do and how, and I'll gladly help. Am sure you will get this fixed and I appreciate your efforts, it's just frustrating.
  14. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Looks like *touch wood* the drops are back fully working
  15. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Just collected gold here, so yes drops are (knock on wood) working. TY Wizz and co, for getting this fixed so fast ;)
  16. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    All issues should now be solved.
    Geflin and Kiriana like this.
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