Power Plants Suggestion

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MikeyC69, Jul 19, 2014.

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  1. MikeyC69

    MikeyC69 User

    So, everything in this game excepts decorations and power plants can be upgrades. I understand not upgrading "most" of the decorations, but I can't see how that line of thinking makes sense with the power plants.

    Couple ideas for plant upgrades:

    1: Single line upgrade, 3 tiers. Increased unhappiness by 25% and power upitput by 50%.

    2: Split option upgrades. Option A reduces unhappiness while not increasing power. Option B increases power and unhappiness.

    3: Choice upgrades. Each tier (assuming 2 tiers) gives you the option of either increasing power at the expense of increasing unhappiness. Or decreasing unhappiness at the expense of not increasing power.

    My train of thought behind this is easy. Technological advances over the past 20+ years have allowed power plants to both service more people and create less pollution. Pollution I figure is the game designers idea behind the unhappiness.

    Personally I like option 3 the best. It allows for the player to choose how they want to advance their power plants. Do they just want more POWAH!!!!!! Or do they want less pollution and happier, healthier people?
    TellusXIV likes this.
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like the suggestions option 3 -- Just want to clarify there would be three upgrade opportunities with two choices at each offering: More power at the cost of mood level; or Same power at lower mood level. The player would have the choice at each upgrade tier.
  3. MikeyC69

    MikeyC69 User

    Yep, you got it Billy.

    I just can't see how power plants can't be upgraded when everything else can be. Makes no sense.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    i know all we can do is keep on yelling for this change. :D:D:D
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    along with manufacturing upgrades/improvements power upgrades are the obvious choice in the future development of our cities.
    i dont like to have to place a new powerplant every couple of upgrades, my citizens dont like it either, the nuclear waste and coal trash is polluting my city more and more. they damand alternatives!!

    PS: They should also include inventory slots for power and production.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  6. yes i agree with you wizardelo this needs to be done sooner than sometime in the distant future
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We do need more efficient and cleaner fuel sources. True we do have the hydro plants, wind mills, and solar plants. But, we only have a limited number of hydro sites; Wind and Solar are ridiculously expensive. We could use a few more building permits as rewards in events (subtle hint). I would love to replace a coal plants with nine solar plants. I have no idea what it would cost, it would cost a minimum if 5850 MM's for building permits (that does not include the increase for each additional permit.) More likely 10,000 to 12,000 MM's. :eek:Ouch. :(
  8. That sounds like a good plan, but I think they should be just a little less expensive, especially where a lot of us don't have any real money to spend on the game.
  9. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i dont know about you, but i run my city on nuclear power nowadays, i even bought an extra permit, and replaced all the other crappy ones.
    i gave up on the whole eco city idea long time ago, 1 nuclear makes up for 3 or 4 coal plants and this way its been alot more efficient. also 1 of them can keep you going for a long time!
  10. I plan on going nuclear also. I'm just not up to that level yet. I'm still only level 19. I also do plan on investing in as many green power plants as I can. :)
  11. Multador

    Multador User

    that is a great idea

  12. Rege

    Rege User

    I have 320 residents and barely supported by 6 coal power plans and there is no sign of possible upgrade. I have 3 vegetable stands, 1 diner, 5 farms and 4 mills. I am pretty much stuck with the game. And forget the Event Plaza, or rehiring police, fireman or medical personnel. 320 residents can't produce enough production or education points to further advance. For example to rehire a medical personnel is between 4000 and 7500 education points. That takes me 3 long nights to produce that much points. All my residents are workers or students. I have only 3 capitalist and still can't get further.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Rege We were all at that stage at one time just be selective in using your production points and I would concentrate on building up your population over any other project. The bigger the population the greater the production of everything else. At this stage of development you need to be building new residences and upgrading the facilities. You do not have to have all of your citizens fed and happy. Watch your power and mood levels. Good luck and have some patience and will come together.
  14. kamilcom7

    kamilcom7 User

    It looks like something is wrong. My population is around 1 000, have 1 coal power, 5 small, 4 Wind power plants, 5 L3 Wood Mills, 5 L3 Brickyards, 3 L2 Bakeries, 5 L3 + 3 L2 Barns, all needed Commercial Buildings and just happily waiting to get those few experience to unlock Mountains Expansion with Water Dam Power Plant. I have had to strategise greatly to keep my energy at 100 %, but without going into detailed maths, simply looking at the difference in numbers just makes me wonder .........

    One point, I switched off emergency system right at the start as those 6 or so weeks ago when I started it didn't work, so focussed on Workers to give me enough PP to grow. I only have Capitalists and Students for weekly events, and then hide them in inventory and place Workers houses back on playfield again to keep Energy/Mood high. The Dam will sort the shortage out I hope. :)
  15. brucenic

    brucenic User

    6 coal plants for 320 population sounds more than adequate - do you mean 6 small power plants?

    Power is a major bottleneck early in the game, but it shouldn't mean that you get completely stuck.
    It sounds like you don't have your event plaza built - if not you really want to build it. Some events give big PP, EP and CC prizes when you are starting up. Power plants are also prizes and you will need them.

    Don't worry too much about the ERS - you can train new personnel for nothing - they won't be very effective, but they WILL succeed every now and then. Remember, there is NO penalty for failure. Once you have built up the student population, and built adequate coverage then look at FULLY training personnel at the academy. I think this takes 15,000 CC and 150 Vit - X. Collect as many of the rewards as you can in the training, take the bottom row up to gold, the top to both silver, and then whatever you can in the middle. Usually you will get extra assignments which makes their upkeep much cheaper. I have 800 students and it took me a year to get 6 fully trained personnel in each department - so be patient :)

    To build up your PP build the dedicated worker houses. Again, tenements are prizes in the events and are great houses when you are starting. To get CC, sell produce on the markets. i was selling tomatoes for 1 CC, but now you will get 4! Similar story for lumber.

    If you are cinema works then use the MM to buy the premium buildings. they are much better than normal ones. There was no cinema when I started, so, again, you might be at a distinct advantage.

    i hope some of that helps. The main thing is not to get discouraged, keep building what you can, and it will get better. If there was no challenge, there would be no real fun ;)
    kamilcom7 likes this.
  16. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Do not rehire them, fire them when the cost go to high and train new guys.
    The increase in rehiring cost will never stop so at some point we all have to sack even the best of the best guy.
  17. Rege

    Rege User

    Thank you for all the help and advice. I would correct myself though. I had 6 small power plants and not coals. Coal plant option just came up recently. Well, I am growing, but struggling with production points and hiring personnel. Some of the "quests" I found none-sense like build two brick factories, yet I can't even operate one costing 500 PP. Oh well....:)
  18. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Do not get discourage. It just takes time to develop your needs and city. Figure out what is your top priority cc's or pp's. If cc's then build residences and populate with capitalist, if pp's then workers, I would worry less about students at this stage, that would be for the future listen to Uncle TellusXIV. The functions of the quests and events is to help guide you into growing your city, so they are not nonsense. They will sit there till you are ready to do them no rush. Remember this is a game of planning and decision making. Snap and changing decisions usually do not work out so well. Good luck.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  19. My challenges are incompletable
  20. Rege

    Rege User

    Thank you for the encouragement. I am pretty much hooked. I don't know how long my interest last, but right now, I am addicted to the game :)
    billyjim likes this.
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